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Troye Marcus' POV

I was heading to Devian's Shoe Company when to talk to him. I knew that he already found Lauren. He wouldn't be celebrating if he didn't. But I had to remind him about his wife, he already has a wife and I already told him before that looking for Lauren will come into waste.

We had been best friends since college, well Taylor Marie, Chloe, and Devian are my friends. We always bond together and I know how much Tammy loves Devian. I like her, no I loved her. But I had to let go of my feelings for her because she's going to marry Devian. I never had the chance to tell her that I loved her. Well even until now, I still do.

I hired an investigator to tell me what is going on to Tammy and I think he is taking care of her nicely. That's what I've been hearing. Well, that's the only thing that matters to me, Devian must take care of Tammy well or else I'll make a move to make her mine.

I was about to turn off my engine when someone went inside my car. She was crying and I can see that her dress and face were covered with... Food?

She told me her address. And by the sound of her voice. I knew who she is. Of course, I already know her. Since college. But didn't she recognized me? And who the fvck did this to her?!

I wanted to show how mad I am but in her state right now. I need to take her home immediately. Maybe she thought that I was a Cab driver that's why she went inside my car. So drive as fast as I can to their house, I take all the short cuts I know just to send her home as fast as I can. I thought my car flew.

"We're here ma'am," I said. Looking at her who is still busy looking outside. Maybe thinking about what happened to her earlier?

But what happens? What kind of demon would do this to a beautiful, smart and precious woman like her? She deserves to be treated like royalty. She's a gem in my eyes and no one should ever treat her like this. No on--

My imagination stops when she took her purse and left a whole $100 on my dashboard. I was about to tell her not to pay me but she immediately went down and closed the door.

I watched how she slowly walk towards the gate, but I started to think that something is wrong when she was already in front of the gate and held the bars with her right hand, and her other hand is at her chest? It's like she's in pain. So I quickly get out of my car, but I'm not fast enough. I didn't get the chance to catch her so she fell down the ground, I was about to carry her when I see blood coming from her head. Maybe she hit a rock. Luckily I can tell that the wound isn't that bad to cause something major.

I carried her inside my car and drove as fast as I can to the nearest hospital.

When I reached the hospital which I am the one who owns. I quickly carried her and placed her in the emergency room.

"Can someone help us over there?" I asked the nurse. Their eyes widen and then they quickly went up and treat her.

They examined her and stitched her head. Luckily the wound isn't that big so it only got 2 or 3 stitches.

"May I have a word with you, Sir?" The doctor said.

"Yes," I answered and followed him.

When we reached outside. The doctor looked at me.

"How is she?" I asked

"She's fine. Nothing to worry about. But she lost her consciousness because of over fatigue or lack of sleep. Is she always staying up every night?" He asked. I don't know what to say so I nodded.

"Well, she should stop that. Lack of sleep isn't healthy for her mister. But in over all, she's alright. Nothing to worry about. And her head is fine. Just a Lil deep scratch that causes the blood to come out. But nothing to worry." He smiled. I feel relieved.

"Here are the medicines she should drink. Some are pain relievers for her wound. You can take her home maybe after 3 to 4 days. We don't know when will she wake up this day because she really does need a lot of sleep and rest to gain her energy."

I nodded.

"When she woke up. Only feed her with veggies and some protein except for pork. She doesn't need pork." The doctor continued.

I nodded. I can't do anything but nod.

"Thank you doc. But can you examine her once more? I really think her heart needs to be checked. " I said. He smiled at me and shook my hands.

"Sure, I'll call Mr. West to examine her, would you like a full body examination?" He asked.

"That would be good. I really want to know how is she." I said and bid my goodbye.

I went inside her room and seat beside her.

I looked at her and smiled sadly. She became thinner, it's like she never had a good night's sleep. Is she that hard-working? The investigator said that Devian doesn't let her go to work often because he wants her to rest at home and he's just doing his husband's duties. I really need to talk to that investigator.

I caress her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Please take care of yourself. I can't take care of you from afar. But since I'm here already, I will never let anyone hurt you again. Please be safe, I'll take you back from Devian if I found out that he's the one who is responsible for this. " I muttered and cares about her head.

To be continued~~


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