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Chloe's POV

I was waiting for Roy here at the Eastwood Café. He told me to meet him here. There is something he wants me to know about Tammy.

I already ordered something for us. It's embarrassing to sit here without ordering.

"I'm sorry I'm late." There he came. I looked at him, he seems to be familiar. I think I saw him from somewhere.

"No. It's okay. Have a sit." I told him. When he sats down, I finally got the chance to look at him clearly.

He has a great body built. He was wearing a three-piece suit that suits him well, his eyes are gray just like Uhm... Someone I know. He seems to be hot. But he's not my type.

"Done checking me out?" He asked grinning.

I rolled my eyes.

"The nerve," I muttered under my breath.

"You were saying?" He asked, I shook my head and smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked I want to start the reason why I'm here. For Tammy.

"What is it?" He asked back. He straightened and became serious.

"Did you change your number?" I asked. You thought I was going to ask if we have met before? Nah uh!

"No. I just called you with my secretary's number. I turned my phone off. Taylor Marie kept on calling me." He answered.

"Why? What's wrong with Tammy? Why don't you want her to know about you?" I asked.

I saw him blushed and looked away. I think I'm starting to know something. I'm having a wild guess hmm.

"I-I just don't want her to know about me." He answered. But I know that there's more to the story.

"You're too shy. Too shy that you became her stalker." I said. I based it on what I was noticing.

"How can you say that?" He asked in disbelief. He asked it like how did I know.

"It's obvious that you knew almost everything about her though," I said. I'm a psychologist before I became a lawyer, so basically I can read him by his actions.

"Yeah.. almost. That's until I found out what's causing her bruises." He said. His face hardened. His knuckles are shaking. So there I knew I had to change the topic.

"So let's get to the point. What do you want me to know about Tammy?" I asked.

His face softened.

"Promise me you won't be surprised? Shocked? Or cry." He said.

What is this guy talking about?? Is Tammy's doing fine?? Is she going to die??

Yeah, that was out of the line and too much. Stay positive, nothing bad will happen to Tammy.

"You're making me nervous! What is it!?" I asked nervously. Yelled to be exact.

"Calm down. Your yelling won't help the situation." He said.

"So what is it?" I asked.

"Taylor Marie...." He started to look sad.

"She has heart disease." He said. I was shocked.

"What!? How??" I asked.

"Remember when you texted me why are they doing a test to Tammy?" He said. I nodded. My hands and knees are shaking.

"That hospital is mine. So I ordered them to undergo Tammy in some tests. And as for her 'stalker' if that's what you call me. I wanted to know if her body is alright if she's doing well. If she's able to take care of herself. I wanted to know if she will be able to go home safe. I want her to be well but it turns out that she's not." He said. A tear shed out of his left eye.

I started to cry. He wiped his tears and handed me an envelope.

"This was the result of the test. Everything seems normal right now but her heart is weak. But it's alright it's not that bad. She can undergo surgery. I can help to find to the best cardiologist for her" he said trying to cheer me up.

"And don't worry she'll be better. Soon, we haven't seen the symptoms yet so I'm sure she has a higher rate in surviving this. We just have to tell her immediately. She needs to have a prescription from a cardiologist. And let's see if she needs to undergo cardiac rehabilitation.

I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes.

"Why are you doing this for Tammy?" I asked. He seems stunned.

"Because I liked her. Ever since." He said. Without hesitation. Sincerity in his eyes.

"What? How??" I asked. Wiping my tears.

"Since college. I've been with you both. We were classmates in some subjects and friends since I enrolled in that university, we were not that close and we rarely talked that is why you can't clearly remember me." He said.

"I don't remember having a classmate named Roy Flynn..." I said.

He rolled his eyes. Is he Gay?

"Well, that's because my real name is Troye Marcus Flynn." He said. My eyes widened.

He can't be?? That nerd... This revelation is so weird. I don't know what to feel! With the news and then this? He can't be that nerd from college!

"If you can't believe me. Then ask me anything you want. I'd be glad to answer things for you." He said.

"Tell me. Tell me everything since the first day you knew you liked her. And how are you still updated about her even until now." I said.

"Sure. I'd be glad to answer every question you could think of." He said firmly while smirking. This isn't the nerd I knew before.

T O B E C O N T I N U E D ~ ~


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