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Troye Marcus' POV

I've heard Tammy and her mom's conversation before I left their house, Yes I do encourage her to talk to Devian. I don't want any unfinished businesses before our wedding. And Devian was my best friend before and I want him to know about the wedding, not that I need his approval but, I want him to know because he was once Tammy's husband.

I got a lot of what-ifs but, I will trust Tammy.

I don't want to think that, like what if she still loves him, what if she forgot about me when they talk, what if Devian loves her now and she falls again for him. But I told myself no.

Whatever happens, at least I got to tell her I love her, at least we shared moments that they never did. I don't want to doubt Tammy's love for me. Because I feel it. But if something changed her mind, I would fight for her if she's willing to choose me.

I'm her first...

Oh right, she did choose me. I'm her fiance, I will definitely fight for her.

Love is a never-ending mystery, it grows when you open the right doors, but only one wrong door opened will change the way how you see everything.

'I'm already in the parking lot. I love you.' I texted Tammy. I wasn't really at the parking lot but I was already 10 meters away from her, hiding in a stall, holding a bouquet of flowers. I noticed that she was busy looking at the paper bag that she was holding

Baby Inc...

Is what written in the paper bag.

She maybe saw something cute again and bought it, I know that she already wanted to have kids, we're working on that. I grinned in my mind.

When we were in Europe, she would always tell me how much she wanted to have kids, she wanted to have 2 girls and 2 boys. But I told her to be thankful for what God will give us. She's excited to be a mom that she would even visit an orphanage once a month to see a lot of kids playing around. And I was very supportive, whatever she does as long as it will make her happy. I will always support her.

She was walking when she bumped into someone...


Devian's POV

I roamed around the mall because my investigator called me and tell me Tammy's whereabouts, I really wanted to see her that's why I grabbed this chance to at least see her, even from afar.

I've been following her ever since she arrived, I'd keep at least 15 meters away from her so she wouldn't notice me gawking around.

She was wearing a baby blue off-shoulder knee-length dress that emphasizes her glass skinned shoulders, her hair grows long, maybe a bit higher than her elbow.

As I looked at her face, it's different. She's beautiful, not that she's not beautiful before, but she's more beautiful. And happy.

She's happy now, happy even without me.

I was about to follow her again when I felt my bladder would suddenly blow up anytime. so I rushed to the nearest restroom and do the deed.

After I got out of the comfort room, I immediately look for her. But she was nowhere to be found, I couldn't find her so I roamed my eyes around while walking slowly.

I was walking for maybe a good 5 minutes when I suddenly bumped into someone.

It was a hard bump that her baby's stuff fell down the floor. I helped her picked it up immediately before apologizing.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" She said.

That voice, how can I forget that angelic voice?


We both said in unison.

The shock was written on her face, of course, I'm not that shocked at all because I recognized her voice.

She immediately faked a cough and smiled.

"Uhm, hi?" She said awkwardly.

"U-Uhm, hi. I mean h-hello..." I can't look at her straight. Her eyes are the most dazzling one.

"Long time no see..." She said still smiling.

Those smiles are the ones should be treasured.

"Y-yeah, long time no s-see, h-how are you?" I asked, stuttering.

"Why are you so tensed? And I'm fine by the way, good as new. How about you?" She said softly.

"I-I am not tensed. I-I am good, what are you doing here by the way?" I asked.

"I'm just walking around, looking for things that I might need or want. You?" She said casually.

How can she do that?

She's already moved on.

"Same, I was doing the same thing," I said.

Liar, you were following her since she came here.

"So, it was nice seeing you today Devian." She said, bidding goodbye. She turns her back and ready to walk, I was about to bid my goodbye when I suddenly remembered the baby bottles that I was holding.

Is she pregnant?

"Hey, i-is this... Yours?" I asked, raising the bottles.

She looked at it and grabbed it from my hand.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for this." She said while fixing the paper bags before putting the bottle inside. The paper bags are full of baby things. If you could see her she looked like women expecting her first baby.

But she was innocent before...

Yeah, before. She probably forgot about you years ago.

"Are y-you p-pregnant?" I asked recklessly. I had to know, I know it will hurt me but I need answers.

Please say no...

She smiled and said, "No" then, she chuckled.

That was a relief...

"But I was planning to..." She added. I know she always wanted to have kids.

With whom?

"With my fiance." She said. Wait, did I said it out loud?


I was late. Years late.

"Oh, I thought you were still single..." I tried to joke. She chuckled and said "Silly, I'm going ahead now," she said.

But who is he? Who's the lucky guy?

I looked at her back, she was meters away from me, when someone grabbed her right hand and intertwined their fingers. The guy leaned to give her a peck on her cheeks before carrying the paper bags she was holding.

Troye. My best friend. Is her fiance.

To be continued~

Thank you and I'm sorry for making you wait!

I love you guys! Thank you for the good feedbacks coming from you guys!

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