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Tammy's POV

“So, where are you taking me?" I asked, just to break the silence. We're already on the road for about thirty minutes and I really don't know where is he taking me. He said that he reserved us somewhere quieter than the café nearby. Well, I got to agree. We both really need to talk somewhere more private.

“El filete” He simply replied, It was my brother's favorite steakhouse, but I didn't know that they were still operating.

I turned on my location in case Troye was wondering where I am and texted him a brief message about what is happening right now. Though, he never really asked me directly to update him every time, but, we both think that we should let our partners know whenever something came up or whenever we are deciding about something atleast someone could help you instead of suffering alone.

He parked the car near the restaurant where we would eat. I roamed my eyes around and noticed some changes in the area, there are a lot of new stalls beside the steak house that makes it the oldest restaurant in this area.

Devian quickly went outside the car and immediately went on my side to open the door.

This is the Devian that I know, the gentleman.

He held my hand to help me get out of the car but, I immediately snatched my hand away from him. I wasn't comfortable with his touch.

We went inside the restaurant and was greeted by the manager, Devian told them his surname, and they immediately brought us on a nice table far from the other customers. Well, it was more like he rented the whole floor for us.

We need to talk privately so this table is perfect.

"Should we order first?" He asked, I nodded.

He ordered a steak with potatoes and mushrooms on the side, while I ordered a roasted chicken with salad.

"So, How are you?" He uneasily asked,

I smiled and then replied, "I'm fine, and I doing great in life,"

"How about you?" I asked.

"Well, you can tell that we are kind of the same, but I am still saving my company after it shuts down four years ago." He smiled,

I was about to ask something but the orders was delivered, the waiters immediately left us after so the whole floor has no one but us.

I told him that we should eat first before talking, he gladly agreed before starting to eat. Atleast we still have our appetite before we reminisce.

Devian get something from his pocket, it was an old paper, it was slightly ripped on the side, so, I assumed that it comes from a notebook or journal.

Devian smiled as he opened the paper, "Do you remember this?" he asked, and then handed me the piece of paper.

It was the bucket list that the two of us made when we were younger, some parts are unreadable, that leaves almost half of the bucket list wiped out.

The title of the bucket list says "Dev & Tam's Future List"

I chuckled while looking at it.

"It seems like we already achieved the things that are written there, I mean the first three because I wasn't able to recall the last three." He smiled while saying that.

The list is about us getting married, being successful, and travel different countries.

Well, obviously we got married and divorced, we are both successful businessman and woman, and we travelled different countries because of out of the country conventions before.

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