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Tammy's POV

I woke up in a room full of white walls. Am I at the hospital? I looked around to see Chloe laying at the edge of my bed.

Why am I here? I wanted to ask but memories from earlier came. I closed my eyes very tightly and opened it slowly before I tapped Chloe carefully to wake her up.

"Chloe?" I called.

"You're awake!" She said.

"Yeah. Just woke up. Where are we?" I asked.

"We're at the hospital Tams. You passed out 7 hours ago." She said.

"Are you the one who brought me here?" I asked.

"I-I Yes." She seems hesitant when she answered. Is there something I didn't know?

"Oh? Is that so?" I asked. She nodded and looked away.

"Uhm. When can I go home? Devian is may be hungry by now. I should go home to cook something for him." I said and tried to get up. But she stopped me.

"You can't go home right now." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"The doctor said. You can't go home until 3 days is over. And until you're fully recovered." She explained.

"Really? Well, I'm okay now. I can even lift up a whole table right now." I said. And tried to get up.

"No. Taylor Marie. Listen to me right now or I'll tell your dad what Devian has been doing to you. And please for once, can you think of yourself first?" She said. I sigh.

"Okay fine. But.. does he know? That I'm here?" I asked.

"No. But we-- I mean. I tried calling him but he won't answer again after I said that something happened to you." She explained.

I was going to say something when the door opened wide.

"Princess, what happen to you?" Josh came and went to me to hug me tight. I hugged him back.

"I-I just slipped," I said. I see how Chloe rolled her eyes. I know how much she wanted to tell everything to my family but couldn't because she knew it wasn't her story to tell.

"Be careful next time." My brother said I know he wasn't convinced.

"I brought you food. Mom made your favorite pasta, they couldn't come here because of their trip later. I send them to the airport before coming here." He said. And looked at Chloe for a while and silently give her the other paper bag that he's carrying. I smirked in my mind.

"Does your husband know?" My brother asked. I nodded.

"You know he's busy, h-he can't come." I looked away.

"He should be here no matter how busy his schedule is. He's your husband, he should have prioritized you in times like this." He said.

I looked down. And smiled. I remember what my husband told me the last night.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care. If you got into an accident then great I would be glad to see you at the hospital. And better yet at the morgue."

If I die would he really be glad? If one day I just vanished out of his life would he celebrate? Would he be happy?

Be patient Devian. I know Lauren is already here. Don't worry I'll make it up to you. If you ever asked for a divorce I'll be glad to give it to you. Just be patient. That time will come and when that day arrives you'll be free and I will never let myself be seen by you ever again

Just one sign. If you ever visited me at the hospital one of these days. I would ask you for a week. Even if it's just pretending. I would ask you to pretend that you're in love with me and then. I'll set you free.

But if it doesn't go like that. I will still leave you after a week. I will get everything ready. I will read everything you wanted to know and you should have known. I know you wouldn't believe it but at least I tried.

Just a week Devian. Just another week. After all these years. You'll be free of me.

I need to fix myself, I need to focus on loving myself first.

I held my chest, I've been feeling this for a while now.

"Hey. You okay?" Chloe and Josh asked simultaneously, getting me out of my thoughts.

I looked at both of them staring at each other then looked away.

"I was just thinking about how you are able to bring me here even though you didn't know that I passed out," I said, looking at Chloe.

"Argh. This is hard." She muttered.

"What was hard?" I asked. Her eyes widen.

"Okay. Fine. There is someone who brought you here. Not just someone! But a handsome stranger!!" She yelled. I looked at my brother giving small daggers of look to Chloe.

"And who could that be?" I asked her.

"Well, he said his name is Roy Flynn that's what he said." She explained.

"So Roy? Hmm, nice name. Does he have a calling card?" I asked.

"Oh! Yeah. He left me his number while saying 'call me if something happens to her' yeah." She said mimicking the voice of a man.

"Give me that. So I can thank him." I said. Reaching the paper that she's holding.

When I was about to get the card. She held my arm.

"What happened to this?! It's still fresh!" She asked when she saw the burn I got from the chicken broth. I saw my brother looked at my arm, he knew something because he is keeping his mouth shut.

"I-It was nothing. It's just a burn. My fault I spilled the chicken broth will pouring it on my bowl earlier." I explained. She slowly nodded her head. She's not convinced.

She gave me a note...

Roy Flynn - +7******

Take care of yourself. You don't have to worry anymore. I'm with you.

When I read the note I smiled. I think I've heard about him from somewhere. I just don't know where.

To be Continued~~


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