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Devian's POV

*Day before Tammy got admitted to the hospital*

I feel a little guilty about how I treat her but then I remembered why am I treating her like that.

I have to treat her wrong until she gave up on me. so I can open my whole world to Lauren.

"Sir. Uhm, a woman named Lauren Peters is outside. She said she needed to tell you something. Should I let her in?" My secretary asked formally.

"Sure," I said.

Since I have no more works to do, she can come in. And also she has a name like Lauren so yeah that will do too.

The doors opened. My world stops when a person I've been looking for for the rest of my life is inside of my office.

"Lauren..." I uttered.

"How are you Dev?" She asked. I'm not dreaming.

I went up to her and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you. Where did you go?? I was looking for you. I still love you. Are you here to come back to me?" I asked directly.

She seemed to be taken back.

"Uh. Let's just seat first." She said.

"Where have you been?" I asked as soon as I seated at my swivel chair.

"I'm not going to take this long. I'm here to apologize. I'm really sorry Devian. I know I left you hanging. I run away. I run away with C-Clark." She said. Looking down.

"C-Clark? Do you mean C-Clark Peters?! My enemy?" I asked. She slowly nodded.

"Why?" I asked calmly. She's maybe trying to crack a joke!

Really? Crack a joke? You're not together for years and why would she tell something not so true when she's apologizing?

"Because we're together! You made his life miserable! And that's the only way to get revenge! And I'm sorry. Guilt is eating me this past year and I couldn't forgive myself and live happily when there's something bugging me.." she explained.

"I don 't. I don't understand.." I said.

"You're smart Devian. You know what I mean. I played with your feelings! I never had an affair with you! Nor have affection towards you." She said. Tears flowing down her eyes.

"You mean.. the baby..?" I asked. I'm running out of questions.

"It's not yours." She answered directly.

"You told me something happened when we were drunk.." I asked hopefully.

I've been thinking for the past years about a child that was never mine? I've been loving a woman who never loved me back! I hurt my best friend and blame everything to her! After all, it's my fault.

"I'm really sorry Devian." She sobs.

"Do you know what happen this past few years?" I asked. She nodded.

"We hired some investigators to follow you so we can shove away the investigators that you've been hiring to look for me and pay them thrice the amount you are giving them." She explained.

"What do you know?" I asked in gritted teeth.

"Y-You've been hurting your wife since day one. You've been treating her badly. You're blaming her for everything. Because of that letter. I left.." she said slowly.

"It's good that you are aware!! I've been blaming the person who never gives up on me! I've been hurting her and treating her like shit because of you! Because I believe you! And that hurts you know? the person who's with me all the years in my life has been badly treated by me! Her own friend! Because of my feelings towards you. Her life became miserable.. and I'm the one who did that." My tears started to flow.

"I'm really sorry Devian." She stood up and hugged me. I shove her away.

"Go away!" I said. She nodded but before she leaves, she said something.

"Treat Tammy right before it's too late. She's your best friend and I never thought that you would treat her like that. I'm sorry again Devian, I hope you can forgive me someday." She said and closed the door.

I just stared at the door where she left.

I was trying to sink into my head the information about everything Lauren told me when the door swayed.

Troye Marcus came in. Rushing onto me and then.

The next thing I knew I was on the floor.

Troye hit me! He punched me! But why?

"What's your problem?!" I yelled.

"You! You're my problem! I can't take this anymore. I told you before I migrated to somewhere that you have to take care of Taylor Marie for me! I give up because I know she's in love with you! That you won't hurt her! But every week in those four freaking years all I heard about is 'Mrs. Forde has another bruise today' or 'Devian Forde threw her at the floor' but I don't believe those reports! I never believe! Because I trusted you! I trusted you moron! But you break it!" He shouted at my face! Then punched me once again

"Troye--" I was cut off.

"You knew that I was in love with her! I am the one who's willing to give her the moon even if she never asked for it but there you are. Throwing muds on the precious gem. You're such an idiot moron! You're a sick bastard who never know what love is!" He continued. I looked down. He punched me again.

He is right! I am an idiot moron who never knows what love is and how to take care of a precious jewel. He's right. I deserved this.

"I'm taking her back. I'm going to take her away from you. And when that day comes you will never have a chance to talk to her again. Remember Devian, regret is always and will always be at the end." He said. And goes out of the room

When I hear those words.. something in my heart hurts. Can I live without Taylor Marie?

Suddenly all of Tammy's memories come through me.

"Eat up Devian, I cooked your favorite food!"

"Good morning my husband"

"Wait let me fix your tie"

"Don't stress yourself at work"

"I'd love to see you eat sir."

She's always there for me. And all I give in exchange was bruises, wounds, stress, and tears.

I broke her.

She wasn't the same girl I used to know when we were younger.

I always see her smile, but I know deep down she cries.

What should I do?

To be continued~~

Thank you guys for reading! See you next update 😁


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