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Tammy's POV

I woke up feeling someone was hugging me tightly, I grinned. his eyes are still closed and his leg was wrapped around me.

He looks like a baby.

"Hey Love, can you loosen up a bit? I kinda can't breathe if you continue hugging me this tight." I said jokingly.

He tightened the hug for a second before letting me go, his eyes are still closed but his lips are forming into a grin.

"Good morning, Taylor Marie," he said while looking at me in the eyes. I smiled

"Good morning to you too, Mr. Troye Marcus." I pinched his nose.

"I'm gonna tell you something, babe, I hated my name before you know?" he suddenly said. my forehead creased.

"Why? Troye Marcus is a great name." I said. he smiled.

"I know, that's why I said the word 'before' because I'm starting to like it, come to think of it we have the same initials. it also means that we're destined for each other." he said while grinning and wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know what? you're just hungry, you're getting cheesier you know?" I smirked and tugged his arms.

"What? that's true though! I believe in those things when I met you." he retorted. I smiled.

"Whatever, let's go downstairs we have to eat already," I said while laughing.

We both headed downstairs and I can already smell the freshly cooked blueberry pancakes made by Mrs. Dawnwest.

I missed this place so much...

"Good morning Tammy, Good morning Troye. Have a seat, breakfast is ready." Mom said when she saw us. My brothers aren't here, they went home as soon as the dinner ended last night.

"Where is Dad?" I asked Mom.

"Oh! he went to Josh's Company, your brother needs a little help from your father. He left earlier at 7 am." She explained. I nodded and started to savor the blueberry pancake.

"So do you both have any plans for today?" Mom asked.

"I will be heading to my hospital to finish some of my works, Tammy said that she will be going to the mall, I will fetch her there in the afternoon. Do you want anything, Mrs. Johnson?" Troye asked

"Don't bother, you two must enjoy your stay here and do whatever you want." My mom answered while grinning.

We finished eating breakfast, I went to the sink to help mom wash the dishes but she refused so I went to the living room to watch my favorite tv series while drinking my coffee. Troy, on the other hand, took a bath and get ready to go to his work.

"Taylor Marie..." I heard my mom called me. I looked at her, she went beside me to sit.

"Yes, mom? Is there any problem?" I asked, my mom never calls me by my real name unless there's something important that she wanted to tell me.

"Are you not going to ask what happen here while you were away? Like what happens to Chloe and your brother, or how was your Auntie Tiffany?" She started, I know that this is not what she wanted to say, she knows me, I don't really like to mind other people's business unless the person involved is the one who will tell me.

So I shook my head. She heaved a sigh.

"What really is it?" I asked her again.

She looked at me, kind of uneasy.

"It's about Devian." She started.

"What about him?"

"When you left 4 years ago, your dad pulled out every share he gave on Devian's company, so in short, he went downhill because of that." She started

"He claimed back what he lost right? I know he's good at his work." I said.

My mom slightly nodded her head.

"On the first 2 years, he couldn't get everything right, because he was working his butt off looking for you." My mom said.

"Why are you telling me this mom?" I asked but she just continued talking.

"He almost loses his own self on the process because we did everything for him to not find you." She said.

"He was desperate for your forgiveness when you left. I think you two should talk." Mom said I stopped for a while.

"Yeah, maybe it's time for us to meet again. We both really need closure, especially before this year ends. The wedding will soon be planned, we wanted it to happen as soon as possible." I said as I stared at nowhere while sipping my coffee.

I've been thinking about this for years, whether should I talk to him or not. But, Troye encouraged me to talk to Devian when we got home.

It was in the first 2 years of my medication, he helped me let go of the past and moved on. Along the way, I fell in love with Troye, not because of him being handsome, well partly yes, but because he was there when I needed someone to hold me, he's the most understanding person I know. I never saw him get jealous but I know when he is jealous of someone.

But most importantly, he made me realize a lot of things in life, he changed the way I see the world before. Something that I never saw in Devian.

I realized that maybe I was in love with Devian before because of the pinky promise that we made when we were little. Maybe I hold on to it too much that made think that I was in love with Devian.

"When we grow up, I will marry you. That's a promise."

9 years old Devian and Tammy making a promise.

Troye wanted us to talk before the wedding. He said that I should let go of everything that has been hurting me for the last years.

Maybe Troye was right, maybe I really should talk to Devian to have closure, I know it will be hard but I have to try.

"I'm going at his place on Saturday," I told my mom, she slightly nodded.

"Bye Love, I'll fetch you later at the mall." Troye suddenly said. And kissed my left cheek before leaving.

I wonder if he heard our conversation...

To be continued~~

B L U E F R U S T R A T E D W R I T E R.

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