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Tammy's POV

Day 3.

It's already 4 pm and Roy hasn't gotten here yet. It's been 3 days since I started going there to see him. I was so curious about him. So I stood up and paid for my cinnamon rolls and cappuccino. My phone vibrated so I looked at it and opened the text. It says.

Mr. Flynn:

Getting up already? Wait for me there. I'm already here.

My eyes widened. I can finally see what Roy looks like! I'm getting nervous and I don't know why!

I looked for another seat. Way far from my first one. And away from the cashier.

I sat and wait for 5 mins.

What's taking him so long? I thought he's here already?

I was getting hesitant if I would still wait for him or not. I was going to pack again when a waiter placed two iced tea and two steaks with pasta in the white sauce at the table. My favorites.

"I-I didn't order those.." I said and looked up.

It wasn't a waiter. It's the cab driver I hailed a week ago. Oh no. It's not a cab driver.

"T-Troye?!" I said in shock. Causing some of the costumers to turn their heads on us. I quickly apologized

He smirked.

"Tams. How are you?" He asked.

"How are YOU?" I asked emphasizing the word 'you'.

"I'm good. I owned a hospital now." He said. Smiling. I embraced him tightly, I missed this guy. He just vanished and didn't tell me that he was leaving.

"I-I can't breathe Taylor Marie. Let me go." He said chuckling.

"Don't tell me you're Roy??" I asked.

He grinned shyly. That's it. He is Roy!

"Oh my god, I missed you Troye! You disappeared out of nowhere. Without even calling me." I said. Disappointment can be heard from me.

"I'm sorry. Tammy. But I can explain everything to you. But first, let's eat. We have a lot of things to talk about." He said. I can see on his eyes that he was hesitant about something.

"S-Sure," I said. I still can't believe that I'm seeing him right now.

"Eat first. While asking one by one. I know you love those." He said pointing at the dishes. Well, apparently Devian is the one who loves this dish. But I used to eat it to impress Devian that we have the same taste on foods. Well, apparently it also becomes my favorite.

I smiled and take a bite of the medium-rare steak that feels like melting every time you chew. The savory smell and flavor of the pasta that clings on your nose straight through your tongue.

"So.." he was about to say something but I cut him off."

"Troye, why did you leave?" I started. I was so curious.

"Uhm. That. I uh." He started.

"No offense. You don't have to answer if it's personal." I added.

"Yeah. it's a bit personal but I can tell you. Yeah." He said. I listened closely.

"We migrated to somewhere. Uhm it's because of my dad's business. But I'm here right now because of the yo-The hospital. Yeah, I'm here because of the hospital I built for.. business." He said. Slowly. I nodded slowly.

"Is that the hospital where you brought me the day I passed out?" I asked. He slowly nodded.

"And you even paid my stay there??" I asked. He again nodded.

"I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Tell me how can I repay you." I said. The bill must've been huge. The doctors run a lot of tests on me that I didn't know what for.

"It's okay Tams. As long as you're well. And as I told you way back, you can count on me. And I'm staying here for good and to take care of you." He said. At some point, I can feel my heart flutter.

"You told me that before but you still left," I said. I don't want to offend him, it just came out of my mouth.

"Tams. I'm really sorry, I wanted to make it up to you." He held my hands and looked at me in the eyes. I nodded and smiled.

"It's okay, it's all in the past. And I missed you Troye, I hope we can hang out more." I said he smiled for a minute and was about to say something but stopped. I was about to say something but he cuts me off.

"F-Finish your food. I have to tell you something" He said and continued eating. I knew it's not what he wanted to say that moment. But, I didn't ask. I just do what he said.

After I finished eating which I obviously briefly do, I asked the question I've been meaning to ask. I'm not dumb I know something is bothering him by the look of his eyes a while ago.

"When you say, you're here to take care of me. what do you mean by that?" I asked looking at him.

Chloe's POV

I'm still looking at the test results. Tammy's test results. I really can't believe it. The first thing I should do is to tell her parents.

So I went to Johnson's Residents and knock on their door.

Troye would be telling Tammy her condition by now.

Damien opened it and makes me frown.

"What does the mighty nagger doing here?" He asked, smirking.

"I have something to tell you. So move away and tell me that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are here Damien." I said emphasizing his name and I know he doesn't like that. His jaw clenched then he grabbed my wrist and led me inside the house just to push me at the wall.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!? Huh, Eunice?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop your games. I have something important to tell you." I said.

"Important? I haven't heard you tell a single important thing?" He said still smirking.

"Shut up Damien. Move away." I said. He still didn't move. Even if I push him. He's so strong.

"What are you two doing?" I heard someone asked.

"M-Mrs. Johnson.." I uttered then push Damien with all my might and finally walked in front of her.

"What brings you here Chloe?" She asked smiling.

"I-I there's something you need to know about Tammy." I started.

"What is it?"

"She's uhm.." I couldn't find the right words. It's much harder than I thought!

"She's what? Is she pregnant?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

"N-No!" I snapped. Why did I do that?

"Then what?" She asked.

"She's sick," I said looking down the floor.

To be continued~~

So how's the update guys??

I'm really sorry for taking so long to update this story. I can't promise that the updates will be continuous but I'll do my best.


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