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Devian's POV

"Sir, she back.." My investigator called me.

It's been 4 years since the last time I've heard something about Taylor Marie.

I missed her...

I know I'm a big fool for letting her go, I've been paying the consequences from then on.


I drank the last shot of tequila while looking at nowhere. I was holding the letter that Taylor Marie left before she leaves our house.

"Dear Devian,

I know this would be sudden but I just want to get straight to the point. I'm leaving. I loved you from the start since we were little I've always had the biggest butterflies in my stomach whenever you were around. I carried those butterflies until we reached what we had now. But one day, I don't feel them anymore. Maybe they died. But that's okay, you don't want them anyway. But hey, you will be free. I am setting you free. Because I give up, I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my vows to never give up on you but, please let me go. It's for the better. Please sign up the divorce papers, you can deliver them to Josh, he will take care of everything. Please let me live a happy life. And for you too, you need to be happy. Don't hold grudges, and restart your life. Don't waste your time looking for me, even though I know you wouldn't. I'll be happy someday. Wait for it.

Taylor Marie Johnson."

That's what the letter said. I looked at the divorce paper beside it. She already signed the papers.

My heart sank, I don't know why it hurts. But I slowly reached for the pen and slowly signed the divorce papers.

I'm letting her go, she doesn't deserve someone like me. She doesn't deserve to be treated the way I treated her. She doesn't deserve any of these. But why am I realizing these things just now? Why didn't I realized everything before?

Why now? Now that I already loved her...

Days had passed by and I personally went to their house to ask about her, and to give the divorce papers that she had asked.

When I landed my feet on their mansion, I suddenly feel nervous. I know everything that I did and now is the time to face the consequences of everything.

I saw Mr. Johnson going downstairs while looking at me with a death glare. The next thing I knew, I was lying at the ground while holding at my jaw. It hurts. But I deserved it.

"Did you bring the divorce papers?" He said casually like he didn't punch me. I nodded. And handed him the divorce papers.

"Sign this. I want all of my shares pulled out of your company, be thankful because you're still breathing. And I'm not going to apologize for punching you, you did worst to my daughter." I didn't say anything. Because what he said was true.

I don't really care about what I will lose at that time, because, all I care about is to find Tammy and ask for her forgiveness.

When I was at my company, Rosh and Josh went to me personally, because obviously, Miggy is still young.

I thought they would interrogate me but, they just punched me multiple times and left without a single word.

Again, I deserve all the wrath that her family would give me.

"Look for Taylor Marie Johnson," I told my investigator, he was the best among all that's why I hired him.

But he wasn't able to provide Tammy's information. He can't find her.

The Johnson's might saw this coming. I almost lost my hope, but then a friend of mine told me that she saw Tammy in Europe, she was happy. She's with Troye.

I wanted to go after her, ask her a lot of things but my company is going downhill. I needed to save my company with my employees. They need me.

I stopped looking for Tammy, and lie low a bit. I need to focus on what I had lost.

Till we meet again, wife.

End of Flashback~~

"Tell me all of her whereabouts, I need to talk to her as soon as possible," I told him. He nodded quickly.

"Is there something more that I should know?" I asked him.

"That's all I have now sir, I'll be back when I get something new." He said.

All these years I've been longing for Tammy, I hope it's not too late for us.

Please come back to me, Tammy. Please.

Tammy's POV

I was wandering at the mall by myself today, I missed the malls here. Though some of my favorite stalls are gone. I went to a shop that even I can't believe that I would go to.

I went to the infant's section.

There are so many toys, clothes, feeding bottles and more. Then I realized...

I always wanted to have kids.

I enjoyed looking at those things in a while until I saw a pair of socks that caught my attention, it was a baby blue socks that have a blue-colored bear, it's for infants, it almost has the same size as my palms.

I don't know what's gotten me, but I bought it, little did I know that it was a collector's item that comes with a pair of blue pajamas, blue baby gloves, two small feeding bottles, and a pacifier when you bought it, it was all in baby blue.

I bought it anyway, it costs me $300.

I went out of the shop looking like an excited mother for her baby to come out. I wasn't even pregnant.

I was holding the paper bag with 'baby inc.' Written on it. When I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I immediately apologized without looking at the man in front of me.

He helped me pick up the paper bags that I was holding a while ago. I was about to grab the paper bags when we both were stunned when we looked at each other's eyes.


We both said in unison.

To be continued~~


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