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Tammy's POV

"Aunt Tams, how do I look?" I heard the cute little girl in front of me asks. I grinned. She was wearing a baby blue dress that I gave her for her birthday last year.

"You look wonderful, Beau" I pinched her cheeks before putting the cute little ribbon on her hair.

My mom said that Beau looks like me when I was four years old so maybe that's why Beau got comfortable with the first time I met her.

I was asked by Josh to watch Beau, he said he will be going to an important meeting so he would be gone for a few hours.

if I know, he and his wife would just date because today is their anniversary.

But of course, I didn't mention to them that I know what today is.

I gasped when I felt someone hugged me from my back, I immediately figured who it was because of his smell. I knew that it was Troye.

He kissed my cheeks and continued to hug me.

"Stop it, love, Beau's just right there," I said while pointing where Beau's playing.

"I know, but can't I hug my wife?" he playfully said. I laughed ridiculously

"Someone's being a baby again? you want attention love?" I asked. he grinned.

"You know what I want," he said raising his eyebrows.

"Sorry to pop your bubble, but I was tasked to keep an eye to my one and only niece so bear with me," I said. he pouted.

"Okay, but still, let me hug you from here," he said.

"Uncle Troye, why are you always caging my aunt Tammy? it's not like she would go somewhere far in an instant," Beau said while crossing her arms on her chest.

"I just missed your aunt, princess," He said.

"Is it possible?" Beau asked.

"What is possible?" I asked.

"To miss someone even though they are right beside you?" she continued.

"You'll understand it when you grow up, princess," Troye answered before taking off his arms from my waist. I wanted to protest but It's would be so immature of me.

He got up but Beau raised her hands to him, Troye's eyebrows furrowed.

"She wants you to carry her," I said before chuckling. Troye is really good with kids, he is not that type of person who would spoil you with expensive gifts like jewelry, designer bags, and whatsoever. He is the type of guy who knows his priorities, you will be spoiled by his attentions, love, and care. He made me realize that having contentment is what we all should learn before asking for more.

Beau hugged Troye's neck and tries to climb on his shoulder, he noticed Beau's plan so he sat on the sofa before carrying Beau on his shoulders.

My niece, being the goofy one, grabbed some strands of Troye's hair before yelling,

"Ratatouille!!!!" She giggled. Troye lets her do what she wants, but I saw the pain on his eyes when he closed his eyes tightly whenever Beau starts pulling his hair.

"He is such a fine young man, isn't he?" I heard Mrs. Dawnwest whispered to my side. I smiled and grinned.

"I like him for you," she continued.

"He's one of a kind Mrs. Dawnwest," I said while still looking at Troye and Beau.

"Would you mind if I ask what's your plan with Devian?" She suddenly asked.

"Well, we'll meet tomorrow at the cafe nearby. I would be willing to have a closure with him before starting my life with Troye." She nodded and hugged me.

"I am so proud of you, you can now stand on your own decisions. You were so young when your father agreed to arrange your marriage with Devian, but like him, we also thought that you'll be in good hands. We never thought that he will turn out like that, we could've been opposed when he asked our opinions if we knew those things would happen." She said.

"It's okay Mrs. Dawnwest, it's all in the past now and I had already moved on." I smiled at her.

The day went well, Beau's mom picked her up a few hours after lunch. She picked her up alone because my brother had an urgent meeting that postponed their date.

Later that evening, I told Troye to go home to his house and do not spend the night in our mansion to finish some of his papers from the office. He was hesitant at first but I reminded him that he wanted it all done before the month ended.

I did my evening routine before laying down the bed. I looked at the ceiling and realized, in the past few years this was my first time sleeping alone. When I was in Europe with Troye, he never left me behind because I had panic attacks, and was depressed. He urged me to consult with a psychologist and was diagnosed with Battered Woman Syndrome.

I remembered crying my eyes out as I told my doctor what had happened for the past few years. My doctor told me that I had already reached the fourth stage, which is why I was already out of Devian's sight. The doctor congratulated me because I hadn't lost my senses, because some women like me, who are in an abusive relationship, never make it past the first 3 stages.

Well, it was one of the reasons why we stayed in Europe for years. 2 years of medication for my heart, and a year of medication for my mind. The last year, Troye and I spend the whole year making memories. He said, we should celebrate my new life, indeed I had a new life. After all the things that I've been through, I really felt a full reset and had reached my happiness.

I closed the lamp beside me after I saw the clock that says 1:27 am. I was about to close my eyes when I heard my phone beeped.

Unknown Number:

hey, this is Dev. I was wondering if I could pick you up tomorrow? at 9 am, is that fine with you?

I replied,


I went to sleep that night and it feels light, at least I can now sleep on my own. I am proud of myself though.

I woke up at 6 am, well my body clock always wakes me up at 6 am even when I slept late last night, I briefly sent a text to Troye before taking a morning shower and heading downstairs. I smelled the freshly cooked bacon, fried chicken, and waffles on the table.

It was a great breakfast except for eating alone.

My youngest brother woke up late because of his schoolwork, he's already graduating, I've had already missed a lot of his life events, and I was a bit upset because he became a little distant to me. But I understand him, he's a big guy now and he no longer needs his big sister.

At 8:30 I've already get dressed, I wore a flowy mint green dress that my fiance bought me when I won in the arcade game we always play during the weekend. I wasn't sure if I really did win or he just gave way.

"Tammy, Devian's outside already." I heard Mrs. Dawnwest said, I nodded before getting my bag. I left a brief text to Troye before heading out, he might pick me up later.

I saw Devian leaning on his car while waiting for me, he was wearing a gray sweatshirt and a pair of denim jeans and white shoes. He noticed me and his body stiffened.

"Hi," we both said in chorus.

To be Continued~

Hi! Sorry for the long wait :/

the new cover was made by mahgadahling

Thank you so much!!

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