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Tammy's POV

4 years later...

"Hey, babe are you ready?" He asked while smiling towards me as he grabbed my luggage. I nodded and smiled widely.

I clung onto his arm and smelled his manly perfume.

My favorite scent.

He puts the luggage at the back of the car and escorted me to the shotgun seat. He opened the door for me and kissed my forehead before helping me inside the car.

When he got inside the car, I kissed his cheek and saw him blushed.

"I love you, Love," he uttered and kissed my forehead. That's his favorite thing to do that always makes me blush.

We're on our way to the airport, finally, after all the procedures and rehabilitations, I can finally say that I am fully healed. Thank God for that, 2 years of medications is too hard for me but a least I had him by my side. He never left me and I loved him for that.

Today, we're going back home. I missed mom, dad, and my siblings. Although they visited me a lot here in Europe, it's still not enough. I wanted to hug them tight to tell them the good news, I'm sure they will be happy for me and for him.

We're on the highway already and I'm going to miss this place.

Oh, how I loved long rides.
Yesterday he brought me to all the places here. But the best part of the journey was the Eiffel Tower.

He made my dreams come true. I've always thought that loving him would be the greatest thing that could ever happen to me. But being loved by him is the best among the rest.

I've had forgotten everything that had happened to us before. I treasured everything and locked it inside my heart.

It's was a long ride coming to the airport, I didn't know that I fell asleep.

"Hey babe, wake up! we're here.." I felt someone kissing my face, I opened my eyes and there he was grinning at me.

"You sleepyhead. Let's go inside" He said and went to my side to open the door widely.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I could've helped you take out our things in the trunk." I said worriedly.

He pinched my nose and smiled

"You know you can't carry heavy things, I'm the strong one here and don't worry, our luggage is as light as a feather for me" he winked and kissed the side of my head before holding my hand.

"At least let me push the cart.. please?" I said, pleading.

"Okay fine, but I'm still going to assist you with the cart." He said. I grinned and kissed him on the lips.

5 hours later...

"We're here!" I screamed when he stopped the car in front of our mansion.

he laughed and went to my side to help me get out.

"Oh god, I missed this place," I said as I roamed my eyes around the mansion.

"Tammy?" I heard someone uttered. so I looked at the direction where I heard the voice.

"Mrs. Dawnwest!!" I ran unto her to hug her.

"Oh dear! why didn't you tell us that you're going to be home today?" She asked.

"Mrs. Dawnwest who's outside?" I heard my mom said.

"Tammy!? and you! my boy!" she screamed while looking at me and him

I hugged my mom tight, I missed her so much.

"Let's go inside! your siblings and dad are at the dining table with Chloe, we were about to eat dinner. You've got such great timing. Mrs. Dawnwest can you put extra plates for my daughter and her... friend?" mom said while smirking at me.

I laughed.

We went to the dining table.

"Guys, Someone is here!" mom announced. Everybody looked in our direction.

Everyone stopped getting their food and went to us simultaneously! they cage us in a group hug. I giggled.

"Oh Tammy, we missed you so much! why didn't you tell us that you two will be home tonight? we could've to fetch you at the airport." Dad said then kissed my forehead.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," I said smiling at them.

"Uhm so, let's eat? We're starving!" I said.

We all went to the dining table and sit.

"Uhm, before everything, I would like to make an announcement," I said.

Everybody looked at me. I smiled and get his hand.

"This is Troye Marcus, My Boyfriend," I said while smiling. I know they loved him as much as I love him.

"And, we're engaged!" I said while showing the diamond ring he gave me while we're at the Eiffel Tower last night.

That's the most memorable day of my life, imagine having someone who's as eager and willing to have you as their wife or to have you for the rest of their lives.

"Congratulations to both of you!" Mom and Dad said in the chorus.

My brothers went to Troye's side.

"Man welcome to the family! I've always known you were going to be the one that Tammy deserves." Josh said and man hugged him.

"Congrats bro! and sis" Rosh said while grinning.

Chloe went to me and hugged me.

"Congratulations Tammy! I've always known you two would be perfect, I'm so happy for you!" She said while hugging me.

After dinner, Troye and I went to my room. Where we will be staying here for tonight.

"Nice room you got here huh? I expected it to be more girly, I didn't know you hate black." he joked. I rolled my eyes he hugged me from behind. I never knew someone will be this clingy towards me.

"Missed me that much? we've been together for like, 24/7 love. I'm glad you never get tired of seeing my face every single day." I said and kissed the back of his hands.

"Hmm? I. Will. Never. Get. Tired. Of." He said while kissing my forehead, nose, cheeks, neck, and side of my lips.

"You." he kissed my lips longer than the first one. I smiled.

I wished this will never end.

To be Continued~~

Now that Tammy and Troye are back what do you think will happen to their relationship? What will happen if they met Devian again?

Sorry for the long wait guys! I'm just really too busy that I forgot to update this story :((


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