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Tammy's POV

Thursday, 9:00 am.

I walked in the school hallway like a prick. I couldn't sleep last night, I'm thinking about the announcement Devian made. I'm so curious about it. That made me look like a panda. My eye bags are big, of that I'm sure.

I ran towards Chloe when I saw her walking in the same direction. I held her arms and said Hi, but wait. She seems like she had seen a ghost.

Chloe is my other best friend aside from Devian. She's my sister from another mother. Well her mom is my godmother. She's Chloe Eunice Clarkson. She knows about my feelings towards Devian. I'm lucky to have her, she never gets tired of listening to all of my burst outs and rants whenever I get jealous of Devian and Lauren. But there's a secret I couldn't tell her. I don't want her to be a part of that secret so better keep it to myself.

"Good morning Chloe" I smiled at her.

"O-Oh Hi, Good Morning to Tams. Nice to see you here." She stuttered. Something's bothering her.

"Glad to see you this early Chloe! You're going to tell me what happen last night. Don't be nervous! I would be fine whatever the announcement maybe!" I said cheekily. Well, I already had a clue about it though a part of me is staying positive that what I'm thinking is not true.

"Uh, yeah. Can we go to the cafeteria first?" She asked hesitantly.

"Sure. I know we'll have a lot to talk about if we go there is that right?" I asked.

She just dragged me right away. This may be serious, what's so serious about the announcement?

Well, it's really serious if they would announce marriage or engagement or something like that. Well, I think it's close to that.

"2 espressos and six of these sugar-glazed donuts." She ordered my favorites. And I wondered why. We seated at the place where we are the only people in. We waited for our orders and she immediately took a sip.

"Taylor. There's something about Devian and Lauren." She started. I just stared at her.

"Yes. That's about the announcement right?" I asked. My heart is starting to pound.

"They're engaged." She breaks the news just like that. And my heartfelt numb. I'm already expecting this kind of news, but I really thought that they would announce their relationship, not their engagement.

"W-What? How? They never got into a relationship right?" I asked, hoping. Because it's true, Devian never said to me that they are in a relationship. I don't want to assume before so I believed in him. I waited for him to break the news, but this news is a whole lot different from what I am expecting.

"That's the big news. They've been together all those years." I'm controlling my tears. I'm still in a state of shock.

"Are you okay?" She asked as I began to eat the donuts. I don't care if I'm broken. There's no way I'm going to waste all these donuts.

"It's Okay Tammy. Troye is still there and we all know that he likes you." She joked. Trying to brighten up my mood. After I eat the donuts, I drank my espresso and smiled. I'm broken but I don't want to cry.

"If Lauren can make him happy, then I'm fine with that. As long as he's happy, I'm happy for him. And we all know that my feelings are irrelevant so we shouldn't think about how I feel." I said and started to get up.

"Uh I got to go, Chloe, I don't want to be late for my class," I said.

I smiled, still controlling my tears as I head my way to my classroom. When I bumped into someone.

It's Devian. As soon as I saw him, my tears began to fall.

"Hey, Tammy! Does Chloe already told you about my engagement-- hey! Why are you crying?" He asked full of concern.

I smiled. But it never reached my eyes.

"Congratulations. I wish you two the best wishes." I said and run. I heard him calling my name.

And that day. I promised myself that I will never go to talk to him again. Ever.

He asked me why am I avoiding him the next day, I said I was busy. Lame excuse. Well, I think he got the idea when I change my schedule.

"I know that you're going through a lot, but I am here for you. If I could just take all the pain you have right now then I will." someone told me, then turns his back away.

Weeks become months until graduation.

Yes, I succeed. I graduated without talking or seeing him. It's hard for me to change my schedule just to avoid him. But I made it!

Every night I cried myself to sleep because of him. Especially when Chloe told me that Devian is asking for me to come to his birthday party. But I didn't go, Not that I don't want to go. But I stopped myself to. After that, he stopped texting and calling me. Which is good, I never answered it anyway.

You maybe think that I'm overreacting or something but there's no too much and too less when you're in love for years and it never returns to you. Immature maybe, I could have just told him, but it was hard.

When graduation came, all of our memories flashback. I felt guilty when I remembered those memories. I could've made it up with him and continued our friendship, but I didn't. Now I'm regretting it. But pride is winning, I am the one who wanted this. I should stand in my own words.

I really wish that time would come and we can be friends again.

I hope so.

To be Continued~~


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