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Tammy's POV

I woke up with a hard slap across my face. I didn't get the chance to collect myself, I get up as soon as I saw him.

"Why didn't you wake me up!? Didn't you know what time is it now?!" He said showing me the clock that says 8:30 in the morning. He should be leaving by now.

"I-I'm sorry sir I-I overslept." I get up and started to go to the kitchen. "Sir give me five minutes I'll make you a sandwich," I said nervously.

"That's the only job you had to do yet you failed. Well, you failed so many times anyway, what could I expect from you??" He said sarcastically. "Don't bother making me a sandwich. I'm already late. I'm going." He said and stormed out of the house.

I let out a deep sigh. I held my chest that is starting to feel a Lil bit of pain. I walked towards the fridge to get a glass of water. I drank it up and wait for the chest pain go away.

I really need to see a doctor. Maybe when he is not here or if he ever let me go out of this house.

I started cleaning the living room when I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. It's the bitch he was with last night. She was only wearing her undergarments.

"Hi, I just want to ask if you have seen my clothes? I think I left it somewhere... Oh, there it is!" She said as she collected her clothes behind the sofa. She smiled at me apologetically then put her clothes on.

If I wasn't raised right, I would have twisted her neck. But I was, and I knew she doesn't really know that I am the wife of the man she slept with last night.

"I hope you don't mind if I asked, are you really a maid in this house?" She asked. Well, she's not the only one who asked anyways.

"Yes, I am... Not." I answered then chewed my lower lip.

"Huh?" She doesn't seem to understand what I say.

"I am Taylor Marie Johnson Forde. The wife of the man you just slept with last night." I stated. She was taken aback, and I was surprised too by what I just said. She looked pale, the shock was flustered on her face.

I turn my back and went to the kitchen. I heard her muttered, "I'm sorry, I need to go." Then the front door shuts close.

Damn Tammy, your husband is going to kill you if ever he founds out what you just said to that bitch.

The last thing I would want in the world is for my husband to be mad at me, to the point that he could almost kill me. The last time I felt that was when I told the first girl he brought home that I am his wife. And it hurts me because it was our first anniversary. I thought I'm going to die on that special day.

He wasn't really like that before. He wasn't.


"So here is your books, why did you have to run that fast? You're 30 minutes early to this class, look what happens to you. What if I'm not there? Who would have helped you?" Devian being Debian is sometimes annoying but I find it sweet.

I sat on my chair and starts what I'm going to do. I was in the classroom completing the requirements I had left to transfer completely in a business course. I really wanted to graduate in culinary school but I also have to help my dad for his company, after all, I'm the heiress of that company.

"Thank you for bringing my books, Mr. Forde. I really appreciate that, but you sounded like my brother." I said jokingly.

"Well, I see you as my little sister so that makes me your brother." He said, I felt a pinch of pain in my heart but I smiled. Yeah, I like him, but he's off-limits. He likes someone else. I rolled my eyes and continue my requirements.

My phone beeped. It says there will be no classes for finance today. Ugh!

I stand up and collected my things again.

"Wait, where are you going??" He asked.

"To my HE class. Because there will be no class for finance today and it pisses me off." I said. He laughed, that's so sexy. I shook my head.

"By the way, Go to club 73 later. Lauren and I have an announcement to make. Finally, I'm going to be a family man!" He said but I didn't hear the last part, I only hear that he has an announcement to make.

"I don't think I could make it later. I have things to do later. You know Miggy, I had to tutor him for his test." I said. Miggy is my 12 years old brother. Yeah, my dad thinks that my mom is a baby factory. Just kidding.

Well, Josh is eight years older than me. I am 5 years older than Dane Rosh, and He is 3 years older than Miggy. I'm the only girl obviously.

"Don't worry, Chloe will be there. She can tell me about your announcement." I said. Chloe is my girl best friend aside from Devian, Chloe is the daughter of uncle Ethan and Auntie Tiffany, my mom's friends.

The truth is, I kind of know what the announcement would be about and I just don't want to cry in front of them.

I ran quickly and went to my HE class. There are many students there already.

"Class, we'll be having a new student today. He's from...." The teacher said. I was busy with my paper works. But I stopped when they started to make fun of him. I defended him because I know he doesn't have friends here. We'll he is a nerd though. But I can see that he had looked behind those eyeglasses.

To be continued ~~


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