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Troye's POV

"When you say, you're here to take care of me. what do you mean by that?" Tammy asked while looking at me. I surely know that it was about that note I gave Chloe before I went out of the hospital.

I sighed. This is much harder than I thought.

Remember Roy. One wrong word might worsen her condition.

"Uhm. Have you ever felt having shortness when you're breathing? Or does your heart hurts after you did some activities that normal people do and it's very exhausting to you?" I started. Starting to get nervous.

"Yes. But that wasn't the answer to my question right?" She asked. I slowly nodded.

I held her hand.

"Since then, I got this feeling to take od care of you. And I failed that's why I'm here. Remember the test that the doctors did when you we're at my hospital? I asked them to do that. I want to see if you're really alright. And you do. You're healthy. But your heart... It's not." She stared at me. She's starting to tear up, her right hand automatically went to her chest to massage it.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked

"You have heart failure. And it's getting worse. But don't worry I'm here, I'm looking for the best cardiologist right now. And we got three." I said. Hopefulness can be seen in my eyes. I gave her a glass of water to drink.

"There is one in Europe. One in Singapore and another one in Korea." I continued.

"But it's too far.." She uttered. As she started drinking

"Yes I know, That's why I'm here. I'll come with you. We need three weeks to meet each cardiologist." I said.

"But my husband.." she looked down.

"You know he doesn't care. I know you've been treated badly by that moron. And Chloe told me that you already planned on leaving him." I said caressing her hands.

"He's getting nicer to me these past 3 days. I think it's the start of the change I've been waiting for." She said.

"But what if it's not? What if he's just guilty about what happened last week? For the past 4 years, he's been treating you badly? He already threw your friendship away the moment he married you. And you know it won't last long because Lauren is already here." I said. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Think of this Taylor Marie, you have to be treated on time. Think about your loved ones. They would like to see you alive. And you know it will hurt them when they see you suffering, that's the reason why you hide them what Devian been doing to you right?" I continued.

Please, Tms let me help you.

I thought at the back of my mind.

She nodded slowly while her tears started to burst.

"Give me the last 4 days to be with him and then I'll go with you." She said and finally gets up.

I heave a sigh as I watch her back slowly fading away.

Chloe's POV

"She's sick." I break the news to Mrs. Johnson while looking at the floor.

"I know, my sister is pretty sick." Damien scoffed. Mrs. Johnson stays quiet.

"I'm not kidding Damien. She's sick, she has a heart failure but she didn't know yet. I haven't told her about it, it might cause her emotional stress that might worsen her condition. But my friend will tell her, he knows how to break the news slowly for her to accept." I longly explained.

"Josh, Call your father and brothers. We'll have a meeting." Mom I mean Mrs. Johnson said.

Damien was about to say something but didn't.

"Let's sit on the sofa dear, tell me everything I should know as her mother." She said and walk towards the sofa.

When we sat on the sofa, I didn't hesitate to tell her everything I know.

"Does her husband know? About this?" She asked while wiping her tears.

"No, He didn't know about it. He never cared about Tams anyways." I said.

"So it's true?" She asked.

"W-What's true Mo- Mrs. Johnson," I asked.

"Devian is not treating her well right? We never believed it. Surely he is one of the reasons why my daughter has art failure." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well when I gave birth to Tammy, her heart is weak. We all know that, but we never thought that it would get worst. We thought that she's already cured not until now.." she looked down. I hugged her.

"Our friend will help us find a good doctor for her. He is now convincing Tammy to come with him and meet the three doctors he had looked for." I said.

"Oh, tell your friend to come over here. I would like to tell my gratefulness in person. Perhaps I know my daughter needs a new good environment?" She asked.

"Sadly yes. I did my research, it says she should go far from stress. I know it's still not worst but it's better for her to go away now. We don't have to wait for her condition to worsen." I said.

She wiped her tears while nodding.

"Thank you,  Chloe, this is one of the reasons why I liked you. You can go home and rest. I'll tell the family about her condition." She said I nodded. I was about to get up when she called Damien.

"Josh?" She called.

"Mom?" He asked.

"Drive you're wi- I mean Chloe to her house. It's getting dark already." She commanded. My cheeks reddened.

While on the road, Damien breaks the silence.

"I heard Tams condition, who is your friend that is willing to help her?" He asked.

"Troye Marcus," I answered.

"So the friend has a name,e said sarcastically. I know what he wants.

"He is a friend of ours since college. He likes Tammy,  not me. And if Devian and Tammy were not married. They could have been a couple." I explained.

He nodded.

"I've been arranging their divorce papers already don't worry." He said, my mouth hung for a sec.

"W-why?" I asked.

"I never said a word, but I know what my sister is going through... And here is your home.C  here" He said and went to my side to open the door.

So he knew?


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