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Tammy's POV

"You already looked gorgeous miss, are you sure you really want me to do your make up?" Josie asked while smiling widely, she's the famous hair and make up artist that we know that's why we asked for her help.

"Of course, I want to impress my soon to be husband as I walked through the aisle," she laughed slightly.

"I bet he wouldn't recognize you," she smiled at me as she started to put the curlers on my hair.

Troye and I planned a small garden wedding, we both love the sound that the birds made and the fresh air that symbolized fresh start for us. I was kinda excited to see how it will look like. Though, I already have an idea.

It would be a garden surrounded by different kinds of flowers and the color of the aisle stands would be pastel pink, topped with white and pink roses with tassels around the stems, the entrance of the aisle would have a 6 feet pole that both has a bird cage for the white pigeons.

On my side, I can already see the photographers putting up their materials for the photoshoot, the bridesmaids already have their make ups done, they are one by one making their way on the dressing room to change into their gowns.

"You look so gorgeous hon, you really looked like me," My mom suddenly said while looking at the vanity mirror in front of me.

"Of course, I got your genes, you wouldn't like it if I looked like dad, you would be imagining him wearing a wedding gown right now while looking at me," I teased. She paused for a moment, probably imagining my dad wearing a gown. I rolled my eyes before I smiled, she then laughed at my reaction.

"He would be gorgeous, I think? maybe I could ask him to wear one some day," she said while slightly pinching her chin.

"Mom! stop it, I couldn't even imagine him wearing one," I said while my eyes are closed because of the eye shadow.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. You go ahead and concentrate on your make up," she said, laughing.

My mom is that crazy that I could bet my car she would make my dad wear a gown someday...

After almost an hour of make up, I am already done, Josie made sure that Troye would still recognize me so my make up is kinda simple but she do a natural smokey eyes for me that highlighted my eyes a little.

"I told you, I didn't have a hard time on your face, you're looking stunning," She said, that made me laughed a little.

"Props to you, you made this possible, but please, save some compliments for my husband," I joked.

We chatted a little when the camera man called me for the shoot,

"Okay ma'am, please hold the sides of your gown in the mannequin and gently looked at the camera..." he said.

The shoot was kinda easy, except for the fact that the bridesmaids and I looked like an idiot while taking the shoot for the whole day video, we would just talk about something to make our laughs look natural.

"Ma'am we're here," I heard the driver said, we are already at the garden where the wedding will be held, beside me is the assistant of the wedding organizer.

"Everything is set?" I heard the organizer asked and then hung up the phone after minutes.

"They're already gathered there ma'am, your groom's waiting for you," she then smiled before going out of the car and went to my side.

She helped me lift up my gown and escorted me to the garden.

This is it, this is the day.

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