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Tammy's POV

I went home from work. Yes, I've had started my training before my father handles me around our company. I don't want to start from being CEO without knowing the ins and outs of the business.

I was surprised to see my father and Mr. Forde talking about something serious. I eavesdropped to hear it.

"So Joseph have you thought about it?" Mr. Forde asked. Yes. Devian's father.

"About the engagement?" My dad asked. Mr. Forde probably nodded.

"What engagement are they talking about?" I thought to myself.

"I haven't asked her yet. Have you asked Devian? I thought he already has a fiance?" My dad asked.

I assume that it is me and Devian they're talking about.

"I haven't told him yet. But I can assure you. He's going to marry your daughter no matter what." Mr. Forde answered.

Marriage? Me and Devian?? It's like a dream come true but I won't let that happen. Devian loves Lauren that much, even though I know Lauren's feelings aren't the same.

"Wouldn't it be too unfair for him? I love my daughter and I want her to marry Devian because she loves him. But if your son is in love with someone else... I don't want to interfere with that." My dad said seriously.

"Don't worry Joseph. I'll take care of that. And besides his fiance is a gold digger. I've had her investigated after the first time he brought her at home. And we didn't like her attitude that quick. And don't worry he'll love Tammy more than friends. And you know your daughter. She's not that hard to love. She's kind, responsible and anything you can think of. I'd love to have her as my in law." Mr. Forde chuckled.

After I hear those words from Mr. Forde, I collected myself and rush to my room.

I don't really know what to feel! Should I be happy that I'm going to marry him? Or should I be sad because he's going to be sad after he marries me?

That night I couldn't sleep. I keep rolling on my bed thinking of the things I've heard.

Why is it so sudden? I've been avoiding him for the past months and now I'm going to marry him?

The Next Day my dad called me to his office. I think I know where this will go.

"Sweetie, how are you and Devian?" He asked.

"We're good." I just said.

"I know you're not. But you love him right?" He asked.

"I heard you and Uncle last night. And I don't like the idea of marrying Devian." I said.

"Look, sweetie, our company is in a massive problem right now and only your uncle Forde could help us. He offered to help, but in exchange, you have to marry Devian. I thought it wouldn't be a problem because I know how much you loved him." He explained.

"He has a Fiancé already, and I know how much he loves her. I don't want to marry Devian. I could help you with our company, tell me whatever I had to do, just don't let me marry Devian." I said.

"Sweetie, This is hard for me but please think this through." He said then walked away.

Every Time my dad walks out after a serious matter, it really means it's the only solution he can think of for that problem.

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