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Devian's POV

I'm so exhausted right now. There's a lot more work to do here at my company. Then later I'm going home to hell.

I really don't know what happens to me. After Lauren left. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

Forget about me. Marry Tammy, she will love you more than I do. If the day comes that we met, I'll tell you everything I did. I'm really sorry for everything Devian. Goodbye.

Those are the words that I couldn't forget. And that makes me think that Tammy is the one to blame. after I've had read the letter that Lauren left, I started to loathe Taylor Marie. Seeing her makes my anger level up from 0% to 100%.

My mom thought to me that girls are precious and should be treated with respect. But after what I knew Taylor Marie did just to marry me. I don't think she deserves to be respected. She's desperate to make her marry me. But I know my limits, I've never touched her. She's still a virgin and I don't care about that. At least I respected her as a woman.

After I told her that I'll make her life miserable, she smiled at me like she's ready to face everything. She confessed that she loved me ever since, well it was a surprise but I choose not to show emotion. I showed her that I don't care about her feelings.

I used to be so caring about Taylor Marie but right now? I can only see her as the woman who took my joy and meaning of life away.

I'm wondering what would my child look like? Does he or she look like me? Or does he or she took Lauren's features?

I really miss them already. And it hurts me every time I remember them. I tried to find them but every time my investigator called me. I'm disappointed with the update.

I wonder if Lauren is already with someone else. Is she happy? I hope so. Even if it wasn't me who is beside her I hope she's doing great. I hope he's taking care of her.

But if she comes back. I'll do everything to win them back. I don't care anymore about Taylor Marie. She's nothing to me after the day she ruined me.

*Ring* *Ring*

Investigator calling...

"Jeff? Any good news?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. Actually, you'll be glad to hear this." He said.

"Tell me already!"

"She's here." He said.

Tammy's POV

I'm glad Chloe promised me not to tell anyone about what's happening to me. If she does I don't know what to do anymore. Dad would probably beat the hell out of Devian if he founds out about this. And I don't want it.

I can't imagine him getting hurt. I'd rather let myself get hurt than let him suffer.

I love him that much.

I cooked his favorite meal today. I hope he's in a great mood.

I already cleaned the house. Except for his room. Its always locked and I don't have the right to come inside. It's like he's hiding something from me.

I prepared the table for him. And waited for him to go home.

7 pm I heard his car at the garage.

When he opened the door I took off his coat and tie. I get his suitcase from him and take it to his office. I'm wondering why isn't he mad?

When I went down I saw him eating the dish. He's smirking and smiling like he's so happy. He's really in the mood today.

I hope he's always like this.

I want to ask what's on his mind but I don't want to spoil his mood. So I just watched him from the kitchen counter and waited for him to finish.

When he's about to get up. I remember something.

"Sir?" I said. He looked at me coldly.

"What?" He replied.

"Uhm Chloe is here earlier and she a-asked me to go to the mall tomorrow. I-I was wondering if I can go?" I said

He looked at me.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care. If you got into an accident then great, I would be glad to see you at the hospital. And better yet at the morgue." He replied. And went upstairs to his room.

I'll take that as a yes.

So after that. I cleaned the table and wash the dishes.

Before I went to my room I saw a small paper on the floor.

Lauren - +7******

It says.

I don't want to assume that it's Devian's Lauren. So I just think that it's some client's number. There's a lot of Lauren in the world after all.

I went to my room and do my night routine.

I was reviewing the files and contracts that Rosh brought earlier when I saw the clock. It's already 2 am. I hope to wake up early tomorrow.

So I slept and let my self gift to a long sleep.

9:30 am

I woke up like it was the longest sleep I've ever done in the past years. So I looked at my clock to see that it's late.

And it is!!

I rushed down to see no one around. I went to the kitchen and started cooking when I saw a note on the fridge.

"Went to work early. Don't wait up tonight. You might waste foods if you cook." The note said.

I smiled. It's the first time he left me a note!

There must be something that happens yesterday that give him that mood. He seems so happy, I wish him to be like that all the time.

But I wonder what could possibly happen? Is it connected to the paper I saw last night?

*ding* *dong* the doorbell rings.

I opened the door to see Chloe excited jumped to me.

"You're not ready yet?" She asked after she looked at me.

"Actually I just woke up. So give me ten minutes." I said and smiled. I'm really excited to go to the mall. It's been a while, I also need new clothes.

I walked up to the stairs carefully but a felt a pain in my chest. I hold it for a bit until I no longer feel it and then continue to walk towards my room.

I really need to see a doctor.

To be continued~~


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