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Tammy's POV

I woke up because of the beaming sunlight right across my face, I looked at the clock and it says that it's already 8 o'clock in the morning. Today is Saturday, my flight will be next Saturday I guess.

I looked at Devian's bed and he doesn't seem to be there, maybe he woke up early. He doesn't have work today so maybe he went to the park, at the market or at his parent's house. I'm really used to enjoying my weekends alone. I stretched my arms and went to my room.

I looked at my desk. I have a lot of work to do later. Well. I have the rest of the weekend though.

I took a shower and put my clothes on. I just wore a simple white-floral crop-top shirt and a simple light blue cotton short that range above my knees.

When I walked out of my room I smelled something.

Is there someone cooking?

I went down and looked at the kitchen. There I saw Devian, wearing my pink apron with a design that states "eat me".

He looked so cute with that. I wonder what's going on. Why is he making breakfast? And why is he still here?

"Uh because he's hungry?" My subconscious said.


"Don't assume stupid. He's making breakfast for himself. Not for you." My subconscious added.

I rolled my eyes.

As I continue walking to figure out if I'm dreaming or not. He caught me peeping.

Then he..... Smiled?

What did just happened?

"Good morning!" He greeted with a wide smile. My body stiffened.

"Am I still dreaming? If I am, please don't wake me up." I silently wished.

"Why do you looked so shocked? And are just going to stand there gawking at me?" He asked. Does he really have to why I looked so shocked? It's for the first time in four years that I saw him smiled! At me!

"G-good morning s-sir." I greeted, still confused about what's happening.

"Don't call me sir from now on. Come here! Breakfast is ready! And I'd like to discuss something with you." He said with a smile.

This is so not him. Is he having a fever? Maybe the news said that this will be our last day on earth that's why he's trying to be nice to avoid burning in hell? Maybe it's the first one though.

I nodded and get some plates from the cabinets and utensils. I placed them at the table and went to his side to get the dish which consists of eggs, bacon, and sausages.

"No. I can manage. I'm going to serve this to the table. So you go there and sit beside my chair." He said gently.

Lord if I'm dreaming. Please don't wake me up.

"What? Do I have something on my face? Why are you staring like that?" He asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Slowly putting my hand on his forehead, I don't know where I got the confidence to touch him. Well, I'm not afraid to be hurt by him anymore.

"Definitely. Because you're finally here after almost a whole working week." He said.

Weird. I remembered, I'm mad at him but I won't show it. I'm tired of him obviously.

I walked at the table and do what he says.

When he placed the dishes. I was about to get the dish to serve him but he stopped me. Instead, he is the one who put the food on my plate. I'm really confused right now.

"Uhm Sir? What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Don't call me sir. Devian would be alright." He said. I slowly nodded.

"Listen. I am really sorry about what happened 3 days ago." He said. Sincerely. I knew it. He's just guilty about it. Later on, he will be hurting me again.

"I already forgive you," I said quietly.

"You did?" He asked. I nodded. "That was fast," he said like it's the most unbelievable thing he ever encountered.

He totally forgot the things about me. We were childhood friends. But now, strangers.

I hold his hand. And said. "No matter how bad whatever you did to me. I will always forgive you. You were my friend Devian and I will do everything to make you happy." Even if you asked me to leave you. I will.

"You're mad at him Tammy. Remember that." My subconscious told me.

His eyes couldn't believe what I had said. I let go of his hand and continue eating.

"So how are you?" He asked. Uneasily.

"I'm doing great. Good as new." I answered while smiling. This is the first "good" conversation we had after 4 years.

"What about that wound in your forehead? Does it still hurt?" He asked. Pointing at my forehead. I nodded.

"Just a little bit. Don't worry it's not that bad. And I'm lucky someone had brought me to the hospital. Or else you would've had a celebration by today." I kid. His face becomes serious.

"Tammy.." he said.

"Look. I'm just kidding. Can't I joke around? It's the only day that you're not hurting me. I just wanted to be happy even if it's just for today.." or this week. I said with a chuckle. You can imagine my sarcasm.

I know he's not hurting me right now because I just got out of the hospital, but when I get better. Things will go back to normal.

He smiled. I know it's fake.

We continue to eat that morning and then at 2:30 pm I told him. I'm just going somewhere.

I'm hoping that Roy would be there. I really wanted to meet him, there is some about him that makes me so curious about it.

Chloe's POV

Unknown number calling...

"Who is this?" I asked.

"This is Roy. I wanted to tell you something. About Taylor Marie." He said.

To be continued~~


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