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Tammy's POV

I've had tried calling Roy but he wouldn't answer his phone, it always ends up in voicemails. He neither visited me. I was so curious about him to the point where I'm trying to call him from time to time. I was hoping he would answer. Maybe he's busy.

Do I annoy him?

"Meet me at Gale's Cafe @ 3 pm. I would be glad to meet you. I will come there every 3 pm next week just to meet you. I hope you come one of those days :) " I texted. I hope he would receive my text.

If you were wondering if Devian had ever visited me? My answer is no. He didn't. I know he doesn't have an ounce of care for me. So I already started my plan.

I collected all the pictures of Lauren in the past years. Where she goes, who's she's with, what happened to her baby. I know everything, I just never said a thing. I am the one who's paying thrice the price to Devian's investigators just to keep their mouth shut. My reason? Is to make him realize everything after I gave up on him.

I put everything in a box. Together with the Divorce papers that I haven't signed yet. I'm going to sign it before I leave. For sure he would sign it too.

At 4 pm the nurse came by to give me my last medicines and took my dextrose off.

"Sign this ma'am and then you may go." She said. I got confused while signing.

"What about the bill?" I asked.

"It's already paid." She answered and smiled.

"By whom?" I asked.

"They told us not to tell anyone." She sweetly smiled and walked out.

"Who could have paid it?" I thought to myself.

The door opens and Chloe went inside.

"You ready to go?" She asked

"Yeah, I already packed my things," I said.

"Uhm Chloe, do you know who paid the bill?" I asked. She looked at me.

"No, but they told me that it's all in the house." She answered and then grabbed my things. She carried my things right away.

We went down to the lobby to get the vitamins that the doctor told me to buy Before heading to the car.

We went to a restaurant first to grab something to eat for dinner. We took a lot of time there. Laughing. I really missed this girl.

When the time comes where we already need to go home. She asked me something.

"You sure you want to go home?" She asked. My brows arched.

"Yes. You already know my plan, Chloe. I won't last here. The box is already at the back of your car. Give it to him if he ever looked for me. But if he didn't. Then don't. Just make sure you won't give that to him unless he asked for where I was. But send him the divorce papers at the back. And Chloe, thank you for taking care of everything that makes the divorce papers process quickly." I said. She smiled at me and hugged me.

There's a silence that occurred between us after that.

She started driving. And as I head home I was shocked to see Devian's car here.

"I'm going in," Chloe said. But I stopped her.

"No. Go now Chloe. I can handle this. He won't hurt me. I promise and thank you for giving me a ride." I smiled. She said and waved at me before driving off.

I grabbed my bag and took a deep breath before entering the house.

My eyes widen when I saw Devian at the ground. Liquor bottles were scattered on the floor.

My heart softens, I run to him and hugged him. I held his face before looking at him.

"You're here.." he said grinning. The alcohol is still on. He's drunk.

"Yes. I am. Don't worry." I said. I was shocked when he embraced me with a tight hug.

"Don't leave me, Lauren." He said eyes were already closed.

"I won't," I said. The pain started to wash over my heart.

I chuckled when I heard him snoring. He seemed so sad today.

I wonder what happens.

With all my strength. I lift him up and carried him carefully in my room. I can't enter his room so... My room would be fine.

I placed him at my baby blue colored bed and unbuckle his belt and unbutton his shirt.

I got his shirts and shorts in the guest room and dressed him.

I then went down to get a towel and a bowl of warm water to clean him. I looked at his face. Memorizing everything. I'm going to miss this bastard.

My tears started to flow. I smiled and wiped it with my thumb. I finished cleaning him and tucked him on my bed. I caress his hair.

"After a week, you will never see me again. Please be happy, I want that for you. Take care of yourself because I won't be there to take care of you. I've had written down everything you have to do when I leave." I smiled and chuckled, talking to a sleepy bastard.

I went to my closet to get an extra pillow and blanket and went to my little couch. I lay down there and smiled.

"It's for his happiness, Tammy. For him, and eventually. For you." My subconscious said.

I hoped so.

I'm excited to start something new. I wanted to restart everything and start loving my self more. Maybe this is the best decision that I will make.

Where should I go? Well, I still have a week to decide where I could run away though. My decision is final and nothing will make my mind change. I hoped so.

My phone lit up but I was too lazy to get up so, I closed my eyes instead and drifted to sleep.

To be continued~~


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