Chapter 6 - Reminiscence

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(E/C) = Eye color
(H/C/L) = Hair color and length

(Here Ban and (Y/N) are about 10 & 6 years old)

Ban was running away from some townspeople who had caught him stealing and just as he thought one was going to catch him a figure flew over him and drop kicked the man in the head.

"What?" The young blue haired boy looked up to see a girl with (E/C) eyes and (H/C/L) hair.

"Come!" She grinned and grabbed the boy's hand while they ran to a secret hideout, which was a crawl space between the castle and the mountain.

"Did you get anything good?" the girl asked grinning

"Who are you?" he asked confused

"You can call me kitten for now, cause I like cats. Well actually I prefer dogs but 'doggy' just doesn't really fit me" She said giggling. "By the way what's your name?" She asked clapping excitedly.

"Ban." he said with his arms crossed. Who was this weirdo?

"Ban?.. Baaaan" she giggled "Bani-bani-ban-Ban!"

"Stop that!" he said glaring at her, she was getting on his nerves.

"Why?" she gasped

"You're annoying!" he got up to leave but she grabbed his arm again.

"Ok ok" she laughed "I'm sorry I'm just excited, I haven't met other kids like me"

He scoffed and yanked his arm away "How am I like you?"

"Well" she put her finger to her chin thinking "you steal and your fast, like me. And I bet you're hungry too, so am I and I just got food so lets eat!" She grinned.

He sighed, he couldn't argue with that, besides he was hungry and he hadn't managed to get any food before they spotted him. He sat back down beside her and they ate in silence.

Years later

"Ban, come on!" (Y/N) sighed. "Why do you insist on taunting the people before we leave?"

"Because their reactions are just the cherry on top" the bandit grinned.

This earned him a tug at the ear as she dragged him with her.

Once they were out of the city and in the woods they made up a fire and sat down to eat.

"Even though you're irritating, arrogant and all in all an ass, damn can you cook" (Y/N) said enjoying their meal.

"Must you always say that every time we eat, you don't have to remind me of how amazing I am at cooking" he grinned proudly.

"More like that I have to remind you on why you're a bastard, but hey, a dog must get a reward every now and then too" she shrugged.

"How am I a dog?!" he gasped, clearly offended.

"You've been sniffing around me for the past 10 years, wanting my stealing secrets" she mumbled while still chewing on her food.

"As I recall, you were the one who begged me to come with you since you didn't want to travel alone" he huffed.

(Y/N) waved her hand dismissing him "I don't recall, I mean it was years ago. God, let it go"

Ban's eyes widened "But you're the one who-" he stopped and they looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

"God I love you" he chuckled while wiping his eyes

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