Chapter 26 - Time

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"What the hell?" (Y/N) gently lifted the strand of gray hair and observed it for a moment.
To any other woman this would be a natural reason to panic. But this wasn't something that would ordinary happen to someone like her. Thoughts of distress, reason and fear cascaded trough her brain like icy bullets during a snowstorm as her knuckles turned white from gripping the sink.

Without another second of hesitation she hurried out and grabbed her bag before rushing back inside the bathroom. With shaking hands she managed to get her phone out and dial Merlin's number.
Once (Y/N) found her voice she explained and asked her to come right away.
Usually Merlin wasn't fond of teleportation but she couldn't ignore the utter horror that (Y/N)'s voice was giving off and was in front of her in seconds with Gowther next to her.

Seeing (Y/N)'s confusion she explained that it was in case she would use some help making sense of things. Merlin began her examination after she failed to convince (Y/N) to move locations, her worry making her immobile.

A few minutes later and after another mind-assault from Gowther, Merlin had answers.
(Y/N)'s usual positive and encouraging outlook on life was washed away when she saw Merlin's face. But a part of her knew the moment she had seen her reflection.

"Before I say anything" Merlin started hesitantly "I need to check on Ban too."
(Y/N) nodded and watched as Merlin left and came back minutes later.
Luckily everyone else were still asleep, oblivious to what was taking place in the room next to them.

(Y/N) looked up and witnessed the frown on Merlins face still as evident as a moment ago and gave her a sorrowful smile.

"How long?" She asked quietly, but loud enough for Merlin to hear. But the weight of those words inflicted more pain than any screaming or yelling ever could.

"I think Ban should be here first-"

"How long Merlin?" She repeated with a still quiet, but demanding voice.

"(Y/N) please.." she tried.

"If I'm going to be able to handle telling the others.. I need to know what is happening. Please Merlin."

Merlin sighed. Her mind screaming at her to keep quiet and stay quiet until she would find a solution. But no matter the amount of powers and knowledge she had. This was the one thing that rendered her completely useless.

"Remember how we were sent forward trough time before you caught up to us?" She asked as she knelt down to (Y/N)'s level.
She nodded.

"Since.. You had to catch up to us trough actual time.. Your biological age.." The usual stoic sorceress could not stop the sob that caught in her throat.

(Y/N) placed her hand on Merlins and gave a sad smile. She took another deep breath and continued, realizing that it was selfish for her to leave (Y/N) with questions unanswered.

"From what Gowther found in your memories. Both of your pleas to save your children must have been heard. After your exams I found... (Y/N) both yours and Bans immoralities are gone.." She breathed out while fighting against the tears threatening to escape.

"Take our immoralities.. Our lives.. Anything but not our children!"

(Y/N) simply nodded. "What you said earlier about the time travel?"

Merlin sighed. "After figuring out the numbers.. The day your children were born safely your biological clock started again, both of you starting in your 40's. But..
Since Ban was sent to this time period and you caught up trough actual time.. You've aged rapidly for the past seven years. I don't know why it's starting to show now"

(Y/N) sat quietly while listening. Her hands tightly held together.
Suddenly a chuckle escaped her lips.

"Seven years later.. Of course it's beginning to show now.. Seven..The day after my children's seventh birthday" She shook her head and laughed miserably.
"The goddess really meant it when she said I would never be forgiven.. Such a cruel last blow"

Merlin looked at her but couldn't find any words and watched as (Y/N) got up and gave the best smile she could muster.

"Last time now. How long Merlin?"

"I can at least mask the appearance of your aging process. You won't look older than usual and-"


".. Judging by your exams and the state of your bodies Ban will live for another..Approximately 40 years.."

(Y/N) breathed out a sigh of relief. "He gets to see his children grow up" She said with a warm smile.

"(Y/N).." Merlin whispered no longer caring about the tears coming down her face.
"You have a year left.."

(Y/N) gently wiped the tears from Merlin's cheeks.
"Let's go bring everyone breakfast. I bet they will need it after their hangover" She chuckled before leaving the bathroom and headed out.


Everyone was now awake and most of them were complaining about their hangovers while wolfing down the breakfast (Y/N) had brought. They glanced from time to time over at Merlin, who had suddenly showed up with Gowther for some reason, that looked upset.

(Y/N) and Ban were alone in one of the bedrooms. Her hair now it's normal (H/C) color thank's to Merlin. She cooed the hungover fox as she fed him.

When he finished he pulled her to lie down with him, burying his face in her chest with a smile on his face. She gently stroked his hair while whispering sweet nothings into the messy strands. While he hummed happily she was carefully savoring his features. From his canines to his lips. His ruby eyes, the scar that traveled down his chiseled jaw and neck. She truly loved everything about him.

She knew every inch of his body by heart, but she wanted to burn the imagine into her memory for as long as she could. She wanted to remember how he, his touch and his love felt.

"You really are the best" Ban mumbled with a soft smile on his face. "Can't wait to make you my wife"

"Then let's not" she grinned.

"W-What?" Ban asked surprised considering they got engaged just last night.

She cupped his face and gave him a long kiss before placing her forehead against his.

"Let's get married tonight" she whispered.

A/N: Sooorry it took long! I have other things on the side and I try to update as soon as possible! I am also currently writing a lil' surprise!
I noticed this story reaching 3000 reads and I am so so happy! Thank you so much!
And to show that appreciation I am writing a sort of 'Holiday special' with Lemon and fluff!
It's attached to this story but it's more of a side story with them celebrating the different holidays while the triplets grew up. Can't wait! xx <3

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