Chapter 22 - Come back to me

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"What?!" Ban dropped his phone as he ran off to find (Y/N).

"Again?" (Y/N) laughed.

"Oh I see. Let's fix that." Gowther said and pressed his finger to her forehead.



Meliodas was sitting in the waiting room while texting everyone else filling them in on what had happened. He had taken the first flight once Ban had called him in tears.
He told everyone else to wait since they had no idea what was going on.

He looked up when he heard someone come over and looked up to Ban who was looking at the ground before slumping to his knees.

Meliodas rushed over to him and comforted his friend.

"She-They-.." He sobbed. "They said she's ca--catatonic.. She wont respond..."

"Don't worry Ban I'm sure Gowther can fix this" He said while patting Bans back.

"He-He tried" suddenly Ban screamed out a blood curling scream as his frustration and pain hit him. When was this going to stop? What did he have to do so that this endless circle of pain would stop.

"Give it time Ban. I know he has the ability to bring her back. But I think this is something she has to do. She has gone trough so much and never got the chance to cope. Trust her."

Ban only managed to nod and Meliodas helped him up and left with him to make a few arrangements.

Everyone had stepped in to help out. Merlin was working together with Gowther to help bring (Y/N) back while Elizabeth and Diane had taken off work to help taking care of her whenever Ban needed rest. King and Meliodas, with the help of Ryu, called around to make sure (Y/N) and Ban wouldn't have to worry about work.

The doctors suggested that (Y/N) would be at the hospital but Ban wanted her to be in a familiar enviroment. So he stayed with her back at her house in Tokyo. Luckily it was big enough for everyone to stay there. Escanor was the only one who couldn't go because of his work and they understood.


King walked around the backyard and admired all the flowers and the cherry blossom tree at the center of (Y/N)'s garden. Diane walked over to him and took his hand.

"Despite the awful circumstances. I'm happy we're all together again.." She smiled sadly.

King kissed her forehead. "Me too. Don't worry it will be all of us soon enough"
She smiled and snuggled up to him as they sat down admiring the smell of the flowers.

Elizabeth was getting herself familiar with the house so that she could help out more while Meliodas watched her.

"You don't have to try too hard Elizabeth. Come" He patted the seat next to him.
She sat down and leaned on him while closing her eyes.

"I know" he said and stroked her head "It will work out"


Ban sat down besides (Y/N) after putting away the food.

While Elizabeth and Diane offered to take care of her he had insisted on being in charge of her food. He had to see for himself that she was eating properly.
It's been two months since everyone had moved in and he was so grateful for them being there.
He stroked (Y/N)'s cheek while feeling the tears come down his own.

"Come back to me.. Please.. What can I do?.. Tell me and I'll do it.. I'll do anything..Just.."
He buried his face in her neck "Come back.." He choked out.

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