9- Lie Number Two

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Skyler seeks an empty compartment, and settles down. Kelly, the snake Frigga bought for her, is around her left wrist. 

"Enjoying loneynesss, dear?" The snake asks, swishing when she needs to pronounce the 's'. 

"Yes, Kelly, I do. Unlike you, people can be mean. You're kind to me, how so?" Skyler asks the beautiful snake eagerly. 

"That ssstupid man in the ssstore didn't treat me well. Sssoo, when your kind grandmother came in, and bought me, I wasss very pleassssed." 

Skyler nods in understanding. "Well, I'll try to make your life as comfortable as possible. But, I don't think I'm allowed to have a snake... so keep quiet during lessons? Okay?" 

 The snake's tongue touches Skyler's hand softly. "That'sss fine, I ssssleep mosst of the day, anyway," she answers. 

"Okay, someone's coming, so hide!" Kelly does as Skyler says, and not even two seconds later, Harry and one of the Ginger-kids are in the compartment. 

"Hey, Sky. Can we sit here? Everything else is full." 

 Skyler doubts for a few seconds. It are the people whom had harmed her so much. But those weren't  these two boys. "Yeah. Sure."

 Skyler makes place, and sits in the corner next to the door. She takes out her book about Norse Mythology, and becomes fully silent. 

Ginger and Harry are having fun, buying enough candy for an entire Quidditch team. Still, Skyler makes no sound, only a chuckle, here and there, because the writer of the story was making stupid mistakes. 

Saying that her uncle Loki was a ginger, that he has six children instead of four. The idea that Mimir was beheaded because he was too smart. The fact that her father was married to Sif, whom had golden hair instead of chestnut. 

She lets out a little sob, though, when she arrives at the myth of Loki. "Loki's Last Days". The last page is horrible.

"No! Don't hurt them!" Loki screamed when Frey forced Fernir, Valí and Nali inside the cave.

 "They're innocent. They don't deserve punishment. Please, don't hurt them!" He yelled. Loki's children were shocked. 

"Please," Nalfi spoke, "He's our father. If you hurt us, don't hurt us in front of him. We've served Asgard for all his needs. Why would we deserve punishment for our father's faults?" 

Sigyn, Loki's wife, whom held a bowl in her hand, was sobbing quietly. Odin shook his head. 

"Just like each and everyone of us, we are responsible for our children fates. And you, Lokison, have deserved punishment in front of your father, for he has killed many, and betrayed more..." 

At Odin's command, Fernir let his teeth be embraced by his brother's flesh. Ripping him apart. Valí tried to stop the monster, who had been his brother. Now, the twin brothers were both killed by the wolf, a wolf whom they had loved as a human, treated as a brother. 

Sigyn turned away from the sight of her sons. Frey and Thor tied  Loki to a rock in the centre of Midgard, with the guts of his dead sons. 

Not long after, Odin comes in, the huge serpent, whom happened to be Loki's other son, Jörmungandr. The serpent was bound above his father's head, his mouth forced to be open. One drop of his poison fell on Loki's face. Loki shrieked in pain. 

"And may this be your prison for the rest of eternity, until the times of Ragnarok. Loki, Son of Laufey. Asgardians, come with me, our task is done." Odin stated monotone. 

Sigyn felt hopeless, she'd lost everything. "Allfather, what do you expect me to do?" she asked Odin. 

"You can come with us, or stay here. You haven't done anything wrong." The Father of All said.

 Sigyn looked at the bowl in her hand, and to her husband, suffering for eternity. She placed the bowl on Loki's head, and stayed with him. 

Only sometimes, when the bowl was full, Sigyn needed to empty it. Loki was forced to suffer if she did. This should be the cause of an earthquake. Loki was sentenced to a fate worse than death, to suffer in pain for eternity, until Ragnarok arrived...

Skyler puts the book away, and cried softly. 

"Skyler?" Harry asks. "Are you okay?" She doesn't answer. Harry picks up the book, and reads the last page. "Loki was sentenced to a suffer worse than death, to suffer in pain for eternity, until Ragnarok arrived..." he reads out loud. 

"Loki?" Ginger Junior starts angrily. "As in: The God Of Mischief? The Death Eater? The one who helped You-Know-Who?" 

Skyler reacts this time. "Yes, Ginger, the one who helped Lord Voldemort. But if these myths are true... h-he... I-I don't think... it's not... humane... to treat even an enemy..." She feels anger build up inside her once again, looking at the Ginger with an offended look.

"My name is Ron Weasley, by the way. And you speak out his name?!" 

"Yes, why wouldn't I? It's just a name. If I would only be scared of the name, wouldn't that made him proud? Happy? He hates it when someone speaks out his name, and only to mock him, I'll do it." Skyler says. 

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw. But it's not just a name," Ron lowers his voice, "it's dangerous to speak say it. Especially in the company of Slytherins. They love him. They're proud he was in their house." 

Skyler nods, but still thinks: And this is exactly why I will continue saying it. 

Ron looks at the book. "Can I read it?" he asks, but didn't really care for the answer. He reads the part of Loki's punishment, and bursts out in laughing. "This is rubbish! The Muggle myths posses a core of truth, like Odin, being an Asgardian Dumbledore, Loki, always being the bad guy, Thor, always being the stupid, dumb, selfish..." 

Ron never finishes his sentence, for Skyler gives him a furious look. "Thor isn't dumb, stupid or selfish! Nor is Loki the bad guy, he has changed!" 

Both boys look astonished. "And how would you know?" Ron asks suspiciously, making Harry nod in agreement on his question. 

"Well, I've met him... one time. In Diagon Alley, the bookstore. I was looking for a book, but couldn't reach it, he helped me. He even bought me a drink!" 

 Ron raises both of his eyebrows. "And your parents didn't thought that he was a creep or something?" 

Skyler shakes her head. Time for lie number two. Also part of the cover her parents set up for her. "I have no parents. They died when I was very young." The boys are silent toward her for the rest of the ride. 

Only one more time, a girl named Hermione Granger comes in, and has a small chat with the boys. She tells them to dress up in their uniforms, and an hour later, they're finally at Hogwarts' School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry.

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