29- Good Winners, Bad Losers

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It has been two days. Two entire days since Skyler brought Ron to the infirmary of Hogwarts. The school year will be over soon, and Harry hasn't woke up. In those two days, Skyler has spent most of her time in the infirmary, waiting for one of her best friends to wake up. When the time is there for the last feast meal to start, Ron, Hermione and Skyler are waiting outside, hoping that Harry'll come. "Guys!" A happy voice shouts from up the stairs. "Harry!" The two Gryffindors say, as soon as Harry walked down the stairs. "Hey, gu-" He doesn't finish, for there's a certain Slytherin around his neck. "Never, never, scare me like that again, Harry Potter!" Skyler says with a happy, but threatening voice. "Let the boy get some breath, Sky." Ron laughs. Skyler lets Harry go, and walks to the Great Hall. The three Gryffindors stand outside. "This is really bad, eh?" Ron asks, when they enter. The Hall is decorated with silver and green, the colours of Slytherin. They won the House Cup. All because of them. They'd lost so many points to Gryffindor... When they get seated on the Gryffindor Table, they look straight to their plain plate, to ashamed to turn to someone else.

When dinner is over, the tables are cleaned. After that, Dumbledore gets up. "I want to say a few more things, because, before we attack those delicious desserts, a few points need to be added. First, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the greatest play of Wizard Chess, and the bravery of sacrifice. 50 points to Gryffindor, he earns." The Gryffindor crowd cheers, and Skyler realises how many people Hogwarts hosts. She needs to cover her ears. Dumbledore silences the crowd after a while, continuing his speech. "Second, to Ms. Hermione Granger. For brilliant work of charms and spells, she too, earns Gryffindor 50 points." Again, a loud cheering, but many people realise soon, that Dumbledore still isn't ready. "And not last but certainly not least, to Mr. Harry Potter. For immense bravery and loyalty, 60 points." This time, the crowd cheers, and conceals a few gasps. "We're on top! We win!" A fifth year Gryffindor shrieks. And damn, that's true. Gryffindor is 20 points ahead of Slytherin. Again, Dumbledore needs to silence the crowd. "And then, for the chance, to Ms Skyler Foster. For her magnificent powers of magic, that saved the lives of her friends. She earns Slytherin 20 points." Silence, but still, many congrats from the Slytherin Table. "Then, for the last, it takes much courage to stand up against your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. I give 10 points to Neville Longbottom of Gryffindor." That's where everything explodes. "Gryffindor wins, The House Cup." Dumbledore waves with his hands, and the green and silver turns into red and gold. "Now, please, attack your dessert, if you like, and go to bed. Exams are cancelled, so tomorrow, you'll all have a day free. After tomorrow, you'll go home. Some even further than others, to spend the summer there. Good night." He sits down, and the entire school (except most Slytherins) cheers. Skyler claps her hands happily, sending Harry, Ron and Hermione a smile. "Why did you get those points?" Draco asks. haughty. Skyler turns to him, and narrows her eyes. "Talking to me again? Why? I thought you didn't want to be seen with a filthy Blood Traitor, who could possibly be a Muggleborn as well." Her tone is cold, and careless. Her face shows no expression, and cold. 'Well, maybe he finally woke up...' she thinks, still having hope that their friendship could be restored. "Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that." He says sincerely. "Draco Malfoy, apologising?" Skyler mentions, sarcastically. Draco smirks, and nods. "It's a rare occasion, so just listen. I'm truly sorry that I acted like that towards you. And I hope, that, next year, we could be friends again." He turns to his plate, having a slight blush on his cheeks. Skyler groans. "Fine. I just have one question. Did you hear my conversation with Pansy a few days ago?" Draco raises an eyebrow. "No, should I?" Skyler shakes her head. "No, just making sure." She answers, before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Unbelievable! In two months, we're second years!" Hermione exclaims, while they're sitting in the train, back to London. "Just promise me, you'll write." She adds, looking to Skyler and Harry. "I'll try." Harry says. "I can't... I'll probably be on Asgard for seven weeks. Only going to Earth for my letter, and my stuff." Skyler shrugs, and doesn't mind all of the eyes in the coupe are widened to her. "What? Thor promised to take me there. And seven days there is equal to seven weeks here, so... yeah. Time goes really fast." She says with a grin.

On the station, Loki, Thor and Frigga are waiting for her. They all carry a suitcase, for they'll leave right when they retrieved Skyler. "Thor, Loki!" Skyler says, when she comes out of the train. She flies in the arms of her family, and hugs them tight. "Is it alright if I say a proper goodbye to my friends?" She asks, seeing the suitcases. The Asgardian Royals nod, and Skyler walks to the Weasley family. "Mom, may I introduce you, Skyler Foster. Our partner in crime!" George tells his mother when they see her. "It's lovely to meet you, Skyler." Mrs. Weasley says. "It's very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Weasley." Skyler answers the woman. "I wanted to say goodbye, for I won't see you guys in a while. And I wanted to give you this," Skyler hands George and Fred two mirrors, "these are communication-mirrors, you guys can talk to each other over great distances. It's a good thing to use for your job, joking." She grins, gives the soon to be third fourth years a hug, and runs back to her family. "Ready to go?" Thor asks his daughter, who grins in respond. "Let's go."


Woohhooo! The end of the school year. Love you guys, and thanks for reading! -XXX

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