26- The Outcast Slytherin

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Her renewed friendship with Harry and Ron, had been the end of Skyler's friendship with Draco. Blaise tries to keep contact with her, but doesn't actually wants to be seen with her. The months have past away fast, and it's already June. The weather is beautiful, and sometimes, people even go for a swim in the lake. Skyler has the most happiest time of her life. She and Hermione are reading tons of books, outside, against a big tree. They discuss them, read them again, and gossip about the hot characters. Only, the nights and mornings are hard. Pansy Parkinson is worse than ever, and without Draco to standing up for her, she will be bullied every day, for she's considered a Blood Traitor. Kelly grows way too fast. She doesn't fits on Skyler's arm anymore, so Skyler released her, to go around freely, over the castle grounds. Still, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred and George are there for her. When they see her get bullied, Fred and George always hex those cowards into oblivion. Skyler can only wish, that one day, it'll get better.

"Skyler!" Hermione runs to her from across the Great Hall.  Skyler, who was planning on leaving dinner early, turns around. "Yes, Hermione?" She says with a soft voice. "I was wondering... Would-you-mind-to-visit-Dumbledore-tonight-tell him-that-Harry-Ron-and-I-will-go-to-the-third-floor-tonight-and-get-the-stone-someone-will-try-to-steal-it!" The girl says in one breath. "Alright. Easy. Why don't you write it down? Seems like a mouth full to deal with." Skyler jokes, but Hermione nods, and takes out a piece of parchment, and writes the sentence down. She gives it to Skyler, hugs her and runs to the Gryffindor Common Room. "You're the best, Sky!" She yells before disappearing, leaving Skyler flabbergasted. "Well, what did that Mudblood want from you this time?" A mocking voice says from behind her. Skyler spins around, and looks in the eyes of Pansy Parkinson and her Ugly Friends, as Skyler likes to call them. Pansy doesn't looks that bad, but the other two, they look like a troll. "What do you want, Pansy?" Skyler asks politely, with arms crossed on her chest. "I want to make a statement. Don't you see that those Gryffindors use you for their own good?" Pansy sneers. "Like you care. You're a jealous, arrogant pig, Pansy. And the only reason why you're still at school is because I forgave you for what you've done. I was in a coma for a month! Don't you feel the slightest regret? Not even about the fact that you almost killed someone? If it wasn't for Draco and Blaise I would've died. Why treating me like garbage, whilst my ability of forgiveness is the only reason you can do that." Skyler threatens, seeing how the colour leaves Pansy's face. Her eyes go from Skyler to someone behind her. Skyler looks at the person who she's looking at, and sees Draco, standing between Crabbe and Goyle. A small flame of hope goes on in Skyler's mind, but Draco acts like he didn't hear it, and walks away. Skyler looks back to Pansy, whose smirk returned. "Do you really think that anyone will believe you? You're nothing, Skyler, nothing but a Blood Traitor." Pansy spits to Skyler's feet, and walks away, while Skyler tries to control the urge of burning her to ashes.


Another chapter! Thanks for reading. I'm over the 500 reads! This is unbelievable! I can't say anything else, but the fact that I'm proud. Again, thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story. I love you guys, and let's do this! We're almost finished with the first year. I can only promise you that the second year is going to be very short, maybe 15 chapters, but with many feels. I want to thank you again, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have liked to write this. -XXX 

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