5- The Dark Memories

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"So, you're saying that the maniac, Sirius Black is after you?" Skyler asks Harry, astonished. They're on their way to Hogwarts. Skyler shares a coupe with Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Yeah. Guess so." Harry shrugs. "Don't you think it's odd, that everyone is always after you, Harry?" Skyler questions, suspiciously, receiving a nod from Hermione, who's next to her. "Seriously, it's almost like Voldemort - Ron cringes, and Hermione let's out a small shriek- is haunting you." Harry grins. "Good theory, and in fact, I think he probably is." He jokes, he jokes about it. Skyler gives Harry a stern look, before shaking her head. "You Gryffindors are impossibly reckless." She says with a small grin. Ron scoffs. "Like Slytherin is nice." "You know it isn't." Skyler laughs. "What do you think? Is this finally going to be a relaxed, easy year? I figure that he is the new DADA teacher?" Skyler asks, pointing to the man next to Harry, who's sleeping. "That's professor R. J. Lupin." Hermione answers. "How can she know everything? Why does she know everything Harry?" Ron asks rhetorical. "His suitcase, Ronald." Hermione gestures to the suitcase, above the man's head. "Oh, yeah, right." Even though he does like it's nothing, Ron seems to be slightly offended. "Anyway, Skyler, Harry told me you were in America this summer. How was it?"  Hermione asks eagerly. "Well, I went to a secret accommodation of S.H.I.E.LD. That's a secret organisation, by the way. So, I'm an Agent, and I trained. That's it." Skyler finishes. "And... she has a good looking red-haired friend." Harry tells them with a wink. "Does he mention me?" Ron pops up. "Really?" Skyler looks at Harry. "You fancy Natasha, don't you? Just like Hermione fancies Thor and Loki? Gross. That's disgusting." She smiles, and gets up. "Now, I'm going to give the less dirty-minded friends of mine a visit." She grins to her friends, takes her only baggage, her backpack and wants to walk out. Something scary happens. The train stops. The lights go out. It gets incredibly cold. Skyler takes out her wand. This is unnatural. The windows are frozen. "Incendio." Skyler sets a flower on fire. But the fire goes out. Immediately. Like it never existed. "What the actually hell?" Skyler whispers, getting colder by the second. That's when a creepy, cloaked creature appears in front of the door. The cloak is ripped, and the hood over its head is small, like it only hides a skull. The hands of the creature have no flesh. Only rotten muscle and old bones. It looks at Harry, sucking something from him. Harry faints to the ground, before it turns to Skyler. That's when it happens. The darkness takes over her. Filling her mind with her most awful thoughts. She relives every heartbreaking experience. She feels herself faint. The dream comes true. Darkness surrounds her. Screaming raises. One voice is very clear above all others. "I'm sorry..." She hears him say again. The nightmare becomes reality. 

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