10- Boats and Gasps

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"First years over 'ere! First years over 'ere!" A huge, giant-like man yells on the Hogsmeade Station. 

Skyler gets in the line, while they follow the big man. Hagrid, he said his name is Hagrid, Gamekeeper of Hogwarts. 

Skyler loses Harry and Ron on their way out, so she's alone again... well, not entirely, she has Kelly! 

"Okey, go into these boats. Four kids per boat, do yeh understand? Good." 

Skyler sighs, while she gets into an empty boat. But her hope of being alone in one boat, perishes when three boys decide to accompany her to the castle, in the middle of the lake. 

"Malfoy." Skyler gives the boy a small nod, and looks forward again. 

"Well, isn't it The God of Mischief's little apprentice? Nice to see you again," the blond boy says with a smirk. The two big gorilla's behind him, are suddenly tensed when Loki's title is called. 

Skyler looks him in the eyes, and responses on a cold tone. "I wish I could say the same, Malfoy." 

Instead of giving her a stabbing reaction, the boy chuckles lowly. "Please, do call me Draco, I think we're going to be great friends," he says. 

"When you say friends, I kind of think you mean the other thing." With those words, the conversation was ended, and Skyler watches to the castle that appears in the fog. 

It's breath-taking, like the dark castle in all the fairy tales. But somehow, the castle has a way of beauty, even Asgard can't match. 

"Duck, there's a cave comin' now. All of yeh gotta duck!" Hagrid yells again. Everyone goes down, and they enter a cave, which seems to be the dock for the boats. "This is the end of the ride, kids! Time to enter the castle."

Once in the palace, Professor McGonagall waits for the first years to arrive. "Welcome to Hogwarts everyone. Soon, you'll be sorted in your houses. There's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and qualities. Just wait here for a few minutes, I need to prepare a small thing." 

The Professor leaves, and everyone starts to whisper. Skyler looks for Harry and Ron, who seem to be standing at the front. 

"Ron! Harry!" she says from behind them. 

"Blimey, Skyler! You shouldn't scare me like that!" Ron mumbles, while Harry looks surprised. 

"Where were you? We were worried something-" He never ends his sentence. A cold, haughty voice interrupts him. 

"So it's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," Draco says, causing all of the first years to whisper in admiration. 

"This is Crabbe," Draco continues, gesturing to the gorilla's on both of his sides, "and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy," he walks towards Harry, "Draco Malfoy." Ron snickers at the name, and he does no good job in hiding it. 

Draco looks at him, haughty again. "Think my name's funny, do you? Well I don't have to ask yours; red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." He spits the last word out like it's a disease. 

Draco's face turns to Harry. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." Skyler can't bare this anymore. She steps next to Harry, looking angry at Draco. 

"Well, it seems he can start with denying you, Draco. Thinking that you're better than any of us, do you? Only because you're a Pureblood? 'Cause if you lose you'll be running back to mommy?" she mocks him, smirking mischievously. 

Draco stares at her in anger. "Oh, and now you're gonna defend them? Does Potter know the truth? Or do you lie, filthy and easy like Loki taught you?" Skyler makes fists of her hands, and thunder strikes around the castle. 

Now it's Draco who smirks, satisfied. Every first year takes one step back from Skyler. "Are you sure that's everything? Come on, with this, you didn't even make the God of Mischief proud. Just admit that you're as bad as I am, and it'll all be over..." he adds whispering. 

"You should've kept me as close as a friend you could get me, Malfoy, because you haven't even seen a beginning of what I can do..." Skyler whispers back, making Draco's eyes widen. He goes back to his place between Crabbe and Goyle. Not even ten seconds later, McGonagall arrives. 

"All is ready."

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