3- Loki's Legacy

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Three weeks passed, and Skyler barely spoke to anyone. She normally just stayed in her dormitory, only leaving for the library or dinner. Only, this morning, Skyler decides to take a shower, with a warm bath after. When she gets out, she looks in the mirror. Seeing the girl in front of her makes her gasp. She's thin, like, really thin. One little push, and she looks like she'd break apart. She has big sacks under her eyes, and those are very deep into their sockets. This isn't her. This little, weak looking girl can't be her. She's more like a walking corpse. Her clothes are dirty, for she hadn't changed them for the past three weeks. She hadn't dared to open the backpack Loki gave her. Now she realised, it's time she would. After finding a clean pyjamas, Skyler sits down on her bed, the backpack in front of her. "Please..." She says with a creaked voice. "Don't let this hurt me even more..." She opens the backpack, and many books, clothing and toys come out. All of her stuff. Loki bewitched the bag so, that all of her stuff could be in it. She has everything here now, even Loki's and Thor's capes, which she'd stolen two hours before the attack. Skyler smiles at the memory. Her gaze falls on a big, parchment envelope. Loki's own seal is on it. She opens it, and the first thing that comes out is another book. 'Asgardian Magic, From Easy to Difficult'. He left her a book! So she could practise spells! Then, there is another envelope, with the number 1 on it. There's another one, a smaller one, with a 2 on it. Then, there are two dark green, velvet pouches. Skyler decides to first open the letter number 1. She starts reading right away.

"My dearest Skyler, if you read this, I'm either dead, abducted or something else in that matter. Well, where do I start? Let's just work off the list. When one of those things happened, you don't only received this letter, but you also received a book. This book is about how to use Asgardian Magic, and it taught me everything I know. Just promise me something, Sky, use it for good things, or tricks, if it's necessary, but don't hurt people with it, okay? Fine. In one of the pouches you received, there's my key of the Odinson's vault in Gringotts. Since your father doesn't use it, the gold in there is all yours. Use it for whatever you want, it's enough for six lifetimes, anyway. In the second pouch, there's a bracelet. It's special. It posses small amounts of Bifröst powers, enough to travel with it for three times. Use it well, so don't travel to Asgard with it or to another Realm you want to see. That would be two times in one. Make sure you wear it wherever you go, it would be a shame if you needed it and you didn't have it. The only thing you have to do is thinking of the person you need to be with, and it will transport you to him/her.  Anyways, that was supposed to be your birthday gift... if I wasn't able to give it to you, I'm sorry. I truly hope you aren't going to mourn for me too much. I've made many mistakes, Skyler. And I'm willing to pay for them. But you aren't one of those mistakes. Your one of the lights in my life, Sky. Your my niece, but I almost consider you as my own daughter, a sister would be a close equation. I love you dearly. Never, never forget or doubt that I love you. So do your father, mother and grandparents. Never doubt on the fact that wherever you go, you'll always be the Princess of Asgard, and one of the strongest persons I know. I love you, Loki"

Tears are welling up in Skyler's eyes whilst reading. She opens one pouch, and sees the bracelet. She immediately puts it on. It's made of gold and it has sapphires in it. Skyler looks at the second envelope. What in the name of Odin could be in there? She thinks. She opens it carefully, and finds three pictures. Pictures of her family and her. One of her and Loki alone, one with her complete family, taken the day she heard she's a witch, and one with just her parents. In the envelope, there's a golden medallion, with one small sapphire in it. They match, Skyler thinks with a ghost of a grin. She opens the medallion, and the same photo, of her entire family, is in it, just smaller. A few lonely tears of joy fall on her cheeks, before smiling a little to her new found happiness. She cleans up her dormitory, putting all her stuff back into the backpack. You'll never know, she thinks to herself. Then, she takes her uncle's cape, and puts it over her pillow. It still smells like him... like home. All she knows now, is that she needs to continue her life. She can't fade, just because someone she loved died. There are other who care for her, and having her fading away, would hurt them even more....

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