29- Kiss and Go

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It's a small kiss, but Skyler enjoys every second of it. When Blaise lets her go, Skyler is frozen for one second, until she realises that the entire House of Slytherin is watching her.

"Well, uhm, hi." Is all she says, before there's an outburst of laughter.

"You almost had us, Sky!" Draco laughs hysterical, his standard bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle chuckle a little. The thing that surprises Skyler the most, is the fact that Pansy Parkinson is approaching her, her eyes puffy and her cheeks wet of tears.

"Skyler... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you and how I bullied you. Please, can you forgive me?" She begs, still crying. Skyler is so taken aback that she literally takes a step back.

"Well, yeah... sure. I was cruel to you to, after all. It's okey." They shake hands, and Pansy runs off to her friends.

"That... was weird." Blaise says. Draco and Skyler simultaneously look at him, both having a 'duh' look on their face. Skyler sighs.

"Anyways, I need to bring Dumbledore a visit. He wanted to know some things about Loki and The Avengers." Her friends nod and Skyler leaves the Common Room again. But instead of walking to Dumbledore right away, she heads to the Gryffindor Tower. She arrives at the painting of the Fat Lady.

"Passw- you're not a Gryffindor! You're a filthy Slytherin!" She exclaims. Skyler waves her hand.

"Yeah, I can't help it. But... can I please get through? One time? I need to speak with some Gryffindors at the same time." She explains, but the Fat Lady shakes her head.

"NO! Off you go! You can wait for dinner!" She says firmly. Skyler sighs and walks around the corner of the corridor. There, she snaps her fingers and she's in the Gryffindor Common Room. It's completely empty, if you don't count the sad-looking group in the corner. Skyler approaches them, taking the only empty seat in the circle.

"Well, that was a long day..." She huffs. At first, all the faces look confused. Then, they start talking all at the same time.





Skyler holds up her hands.

"Hold on, if you guys want me dead so badly, then I can make sure of that." She jokes, but Fred and George are already hugging her.

"We thought we lost you... how else are we supposed to chat ourselves out of trouble? Who'd help us with out homework? With girl-advice, when the time comes?" They both whine like little children. The Gryffindors are forgivable and happy to see her, although, they have other things to worry about... like Quidditch. Skyler rolls her eyes.

"I think I'm going to visit Dumbledore, see you with lunch!"

"Bye, Sky!" Her friends say in unison.


Skyler knocks on the door of Dumbledore's office.

"Come in, Skyler." The Headmaster answers. The conversation they have, it's short and calm. He asks about the conditions around Loki and Asgard, she answers them. It only takes 20 minutes.

"You can go for dinner now, considering that's already 7 o'clock."

"Alright, professor."


"What is Fudge doing here?" Blaise hisses to Draco at dinner. Skyler sits between them, frozen. 'If he is here for what I think he is... I'm dead.' She thinks. He must be here to arrest her. She used and Unforgivable Curse. That's a one-way ticket to Azkaban.

"I truly have no idea." Draco says, sounding as confused as his friend. "Anyways, Sky, Blaise, does this mean that you two are together?" He adds with a cooky grin. Skyler shrugs, so does Blaise.

"I don't really think it meant anything, did it?" She asks her friend, still pretty shaken.

"Just wanted to do it. It didn't meant something, I think." Blaise smirks widely. Draco opens his mouth to say something, but he's interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Dear students, before we start dinner, I need to tell you... I've made a huge mistake today." There go whispers all over the Hall, no one knows what the Headmaster is talking about. Dumbledore raises his hands, demanding silence.

"I've made a mistake when I said we'd lost one of our students. Because we didn't. Skyler, would you mind to get up here and show yourself." The entire Slytherin table looks at Skyler who sighs and gets up.

'Actually I would.' She thinks, while she walks to the podium, where the teacher's table stands. As she walks by, most students gasp in disbelief. Skyler reaches the podium and stands in front of the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

"Ms. Foster, it's a pleasure to meet you." He says, as he holds out his hand. Skyler takes it, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. 'It's just a human... you've met world's most famous man a few days ago, nothing to be scared about.' She tries to tell herself. The Minister walks over to Dumbledore and takes his place.

"For her courage and will to sacrifice herself for our freedom, I, Cornelius Fudge, am hereby honoured to present Skyler Johanna Foster the Order Of Merlin, First Class." He pronounces. Skyler's mouth goes agape. Order of Merlin?! First Class?! Fudge turns to her again, and hands her a green ensign. She takes it, and shakes hands with the Minister again. The entire school applauses and there's a photographer as well.

"Would you like to say something to your school, Skyler?" Dumbledore asks her.

"No, professor, thank you." She says, and Dumbledore gestures her to sit down at the Slytherin table.

"Order of Merlin?!" Draco exclaims, his eyes widen. Skyler nods, not really realising what just happened. She sits down and stares at the green with golden ensign.

"I don't even deserve it..." She mutters, no one hearing her.


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