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The Hogwarts Express races over the rails. Skyler leans against Cedric's chest. "Maybe next year'll be a bit normal." Skyler says hopefully, causing Cedric to chuckle. "It's Hogwarts, it'll never be normal." Skyler sighs. She closes her eyes for a while. "Cedric..." she stars, "I want to thank you. For helping me out... if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would've been here." She says, on a serious, sad tone. Cedric instantly pulls her closer and kisses her forehead. "Don't think like that..." He speaks firmly as he cups her face with one hand. Skyler leans into his touch, closing her eyes again. "Well isn't this cute?" A sarcastic voice says from the door. "The Mudblood and the Bloodtraitor." Draco mocks, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson by his side. "Just leave me alone Draco. I thought you wanted to be friends?" Skyler reminds him coldly. "That was before I discovered that you're a filthy little Mudblood." Skyler narrows her eyes at him. "I am not a Muggleborn." She grits between her teeth. "Then what are you? A filthy Halfblood? Don't tell me you're an Asgardian, 'cause no one will believe that." Pansy sneers. Skyler looks at Cedric, who nods, and grins devilishly back at Pansy. "Actually, I am an Asgardian. Shall I prove it? I can kill you all with my bare hands, if you'd like." Her voice is sugar sweet, and that's what's so scary. The entire group pales, and leaves directly. Skyler and Cedric burst out laughing, once they're gone. "You're scary when you don't like someone." Cedric jokes. "Well, make sure you remind me of that, once we have a fight." Skyler laughs. She takes place on the opposite seat, and takes out her book. She starts reading, while Cedric's just thinking. "Sky?" He asks eventually. "Hm?" She looks up, into the face of the soon-to-be fifth year Hufflepuff. "I was thinking... since you don't really have a place to stay this summer, would you like to stay with me for a few weeks?" He asks nervously, a slight blush forming over his cheeks. "That'd be nice. But don't you think your parents will be a little amazed that you have a 12-year-old girlfriend? I'm 13 soon, but still!" Her voice jumps, but Cedric know to shush her. "Easy. They won't judge. And, I don't even know when your birthday is, so you have to tell me that. And I'm pretty sure that they'll like you as much as I do. In another way, of course." Skyler grins, and gives him a peck on his cheek.

"Dad, Stephanie... May I introduce you to, Skyler Foster, my girlfriend." Cedric says proudly, his arm around Skyler's shoulders, while they're standing in front of the two people who raised her boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Skyler. You're in Cedric's year I take? I've never seen you before, which house are you in?" His father asks, curiously. Skyler's cheeks turn a little pink and she looks at her feet. "Well, I'm two years beneath Cedric's. And I'm in Slytherin..." She carefully whispers those last words, scared for judgement. "You're a second year? Well, if I may at, you look very old for your age. So wise, so much like an adult." Stephanie adds. Skyler bites her lip. "I had to grow up fast." She whispers, looking away. "I'm sorry." Cedric father tells her genuinely. "Don't be, if it wasn't for me, being... depressed, I'd never have met Cedric. He helped me out. And, a long sleep, caused by being paralysed by a Basilisk." She jokes, giving the people in front of her a small smile. "Dad, Skyler doesn't have anyone to stay with. Her entire family is," he looks to Skyler, who nods, "on another planet. They can't get off. Do you think she'll be able to stay with us for a few weeks?" Mr Diggory thinks, but his wife has already decided. "Of course! I'd be nice to have a girl around, surely, when you and your dad can only talk about Quidditch." And that's how the family walks off Perron 9 3/4.

Outside King's Cross Station, a black clothed man catches Skyler's eyes, only to let them grow wide when they see another grey haired man, standing next to him. "Cedric. I believe people actually showed up to get me." Skyler whispers to him. In front of her, stand Nick Fury and Dr. Erik Selvig.

End Part II

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