13- The Son of Parkin

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On their way to the Slytherin Common Room, they pass the first years of Gryffindor. "Farley." The Gryffindor Prefect says with a small nod. "Weasel." Gemma says dryly. Together, they walk through a hall. Skyler sees Ron and Harry, busy with talking and looking at the paintings on the wall. "Wow! They move. How is that possible?" She hears Harry say. "Of course they move! Aren't the Muggle paintings moving?" She hears Ron say. "Why the dreamy look?" Draco asks from beside her. Skyler rolls her eyes to him and sighs. "You're never gonna leave me alone, are you?" Draco chuckles. "Actually, no, no I'm not. Unless you're deciding to tell me how the God of Mischief chose to have a child adopted." He answers slyly. Again, Skyler rolls his eyes. "Ughh, fine. Maybe tomorrow, or in the weekend. But, please, Draco, leave me alone!" She almost yells the last words at him, and a few people look at them. Skyler gives an apologising look at the Prefects, who are also looking at them, and walks away from Draco. 

Arriving in the Slytherin Common Room, a long, slender man, with a hawk nose and greasy, black hair, waits for the first years. The man is completely clothed in black, and has a pale skin. He reminds Skyler of Loki, somehow. "Welcome to the Slytherin House. I'm Professor Snap, Head of the Slytherin House, and teacher in Potions. Tomorrow, you'll have a spare day, to make yourself's comfortable in the castle. Use the other time well. During the year, you can earn points for your house. A good deed gives points, a bad one takes them. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be winning The House Cup. And Slytherin wins that Cup for over a six years. So please, earn as much points as you can, because I really like the Cup in my office. Have a good night." Gemma gestured the girls to follow her. The boys follow the male Prefect, from which Skyler hadn't caught his name. "Well, this is the girls dormitory, there's a bathroom, so don't worry about sharing it with the boys. One warning, boys can't come in here, and when they try to, they'll be blasted back by a protecting spell. If you hear something at night - as in, someone blown into a wall - then some boy tries to come in..." Gemma leaves the room with a giggle. When she leaves, all the girls look at Skyler, terrified. With a guilty look in her eyes, Skyler raises an eyebrow. "What's it? Is there something on my face?" One of the girls cringes and two of them look like they're ready vomit. They all look at Skyler with hate, or fear. All except one. She fainted on her bed already. Skyler looks at the poor girl, and wants to walk to her, but one of the other girls stops her. "Come close to her, and you're dead." She growls. Skyler's eyes widen. "A-and w-why would that be?" She stammers, amazed for these girls are acting very hostile. "You're the apprentice of Loki. He's a coward and a traitor. Stay away from us, and don't even try to get friends here in Slytherin. As soon as they know, everyone will hate you." She hisses to Skyler. "And may I be so bold to ask your name, madame 'I think I'm perfect'?" Skyler scoffs. Not that the threat didn't hurt her, she can just hide it very well. The girl gives her an evil glare, before answering. "Pansy, Pansy Parkinson." Skyler grins, this was a perfect name to make fun of. "Well, then, Son of Parkin, I warn you, and your stupid sheeps, stay away from me. Or you'll feel the consequences." With those words, Skyler turns around, and sits on her four-poster bed. She closes the green curtains around them, and falls into a deep sleep. 

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