1- The Party

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Numbness. That's all Skyler feels. The fact that the her first and only friend for years, died because she needed to get to Earth disgusts her. She feels ready to vomit. Ready to fall into the eternal darkness she'd felt in her first year. She can't stand the fact of being completely alone, on another planet, no idea where she is...- Hold on! Where am I? Skyler thinks, snapping awake at the thought. The black backpack Loki gave her is on her back, and she still has her armor on, even her weapons are still here. Skyler looks around scared of the fact that she really is in a foreign place. The sky is dark and cold, it's night, early in the night, but it's night, the stars are shining, and Skyler recognises a few constellations, but the ones she used to see, the one of the Bifröst, and the one of Asgard... they're gone. She's cut off from her family. Skyler realises that this was her childhood. From now on, she needs to act like an adult. She needs to take care of herself. She won't disappoint her parents, her grandparents, or, for Hells sake, Loki. She'll think of him every single day, and tell Heimdall about how she's doing every week, to make sure her parents know she's okay. Nothing will be the same. She's going to be alone. She's no longer the Princess of Asgard, nor Heir to the Throne. She's just a girl. A girl with a few special abilities. Again, Skyler takes a look around. She's at Hogwarts! For a moment, she feels happy, until she realises, she's five weeks to early. She's at least on the Hogwarts grounds. That means safety, and an old friend. "Kelly? Are you still here?" Skyler calls for the snake, hoping for a reaction. But it doesn't come. The castle grounds are big. Kelly probably didn't even hear her. Now, Skyler needs to get to that palace, before the staff gets to bed, and she isn't able to come in anymore. On her way, the impact of Loki's death gets stronger. Grief and anger starts to grow. Fog spreads around the castle grounds slowly. Small amounts of rain come from the clouds above her. "Merlins sake! Why do I have to get soaked when I can't help the fact that I make it rain!" Skyler yells to the atmosphere. The last few steps, she runs, for she arrived at Hogwarts again. She's home. 'Get to Dumbledore, he'll help...' Loki's voice goes through her head, making Skyler let out a snob. She knocks on the big, wooden doors of the castle. When the door opens, Skyler's ears are filled with music and cheers. A party. The staff is having a party. In front of her, stands a clearly drunk, handsome wizard. His hair is golden blond, and his teeth are as white as snow. 'I hate him already.' Skyler thinks. "Why is the reason that you're here, young knight?" The wizard asks, mouth agape. Skyler rolls her eyes, and tries to keep her voice steady. "I need to speak to professor Dumbledore. Private matter. Now, let me through." Those last words were added threatening, and the wizard, who Skyler decides to call Goldie the Jerk, takes a step back. "Whoa! I'm a teacher here, young lady. Take back your words or I'll-" Goldie is interrupted by a pale hand, pushing him away. Finally, a known face. In the doorstep, Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin, Skyler's House, stands. He's quite astonished, and both eyebrows are up. "Ms Foster, what is your motive to come here five weeks to early?" He asks. "I need to see professor Dumbledore... Asgard..." Without helping it, Skyler bursts out in tears. Snape is a little taken back. "Severus? Why does it take so long, it's bad enough that people drink that much, but I don't want them to get- Oh!" Madame Pomfrey gasps when she sees Skyler. "Come in, dear." She takes Skyler inside, whilst she continues crying.


Alright. Like I said. A lot of feels. Anyway, I have an announcement:

"I'm going to make a series of this story. This is the lead story. But there'll be short stories about people I create during the story. The first one will be on in a few days. It won't be updated much, for the storyline needs to go equal to this one. And the activities in that story are for the third year of Hogwarts." 

Well, I told you. I'm so freaking happy! I've had the idea for so long, and now I'm gonna do it! The story is called: Her Mark VII - By Anthony Cassidy Stark. Hope you guys are going to like it. It's not up, yet, so don't get mad when you can't find it. ;) -XXX

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