6- Wands and Malfoys

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After buying all books Skyler needs -- perhaps a few more, the family is now looking for a wand.

"I have some errands to purchase, dears," Frigga speaks up, "You continue your shopping journey without me for a while, my dears." She nods at Loki mischievously and disappears in the crowd.

Together, Loki and Skyler make their way to Ollivanders Wand Shop. A store bell goes off when they enter the old, dusty shop. It was a small place, completely filled with small, all the same sized, boxes. There's even a little stair, for some boxes are placed to high to reach.

"Aaah, Ms. Foster. Together with your uncle I see? I was starting to worry." An old, kind looking man comes from behind the desk.

'He seems very kind...' Skyler thinks optimistically. Next to her, Loki raises an eyebrow at the man.

"Oh, my apologies, I am Garrick Ollivander, Maker of the Finest wands." The man bows a little, and looks up at Skyler. The girl herself decides to make a small curtsey, just like Ollivander just did.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Ollivander. I'm Skyler Foster, and I suppose that you already know why I'm here?"

The man nods enthusiastically. "Of course I do, give me a moment. I need to get your wand-arm's size. Ohh, I mean, the hand which one you use to write with."

Skyler holds out her right arm, and Ollivander measures it. "Aha... wait here for a minute," he says, before walking to one of the many cabinets.

He returns with six boxes. He opens one, and takes out a wand. It's long and the wood is dark. Ollivander hands it to Skyler, who takes it in her right hand. She looks at Ollivander, who rolls his eyes.

"You're supposed to give it a wave." Next to her, Loki chuckles. Skyler's face gets a mischievous grin, and she waves the wand in Loki's direction, whom is blown backwards by an powerful, invisible force.

"No, no, and definitely not!" Ollivander beeps. He takes the wand from Skyler, and restores the damage that she made with his own.

"That was not funny, Sky," Loki says to her scoldingly. Skyler laughs, clearly disagreeing with him.

"Yes it was, and you know it!" She grins at her uncle, and turns to Ollivander again.

"Maybe this one will work better..." he says, when he hands a short, brown wand. Again, Skyler gives it a small wave. Everywhere in the store, boxes are flying out of their places.

"No! This isn't the one!" Ollivander shrieks. Again, he mumbles a spell, and the whole place is cleaned within seconds once more. This routine continues over and over, for six times.

"Wait a moment, Ms. I want to try something." The man seeks for two minutes, and returns with a beautiful box, it is painted gold, so whatever's in it, must be very special.

"This is a rare wand. It's not really from Earth, Midgard. You see, when Dumbledore visited Asgard, Odin gave him a few branches from Yggdrasil, the centre of the entire Cosmos. Out of these branches, I made this wand. I think that this one'll work." He gives Skyler the wand, and without a warning, a golden glow and a small breeze comes from the wand. "This is it! Yggdrasil branch, with Unicorn hair core, and 11 3/4'". May it serve you well. It choose you. The want choses the witch, Ms. Foster, remember that."

Skyler looks at the wand, it's light, like her own hair, but there's some golden glow over it... it's beautiful. Loki pays for the wand, and Ollivander packs it.

When they're outside the store, Skyler realizes something.

"Loki? Did he just actually said that I must be worthy of my wand?" she jokes, and her uncle chuckles.

"Yes, I guess he did. I need to pay a visit to the restroom, so if you could go to our last destination: Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. It's time to get your uniform. I'll be there in a minute," he tells her, handing her ten golden coins to pay with.

The woman that owns the store is very nice, and careful. When she has Skyler's sizes, she starts to make enough robes to wear, leaving the young princess to wait and become slightly bored with the silence.

While Skyler waits for the kind lady to return, the store bell goes off.

A boy with silver blond hair comes in. He might even look handsome, if his face didn't had such an arrogant expression on it. On his left side, there's a beautiful woman with a blank expression on her face, unreadable. And on his right side, a man with the same hair, and the same arrogant expression stands. Instead of making enemies on her first day in this world, Skyler decides to smile.

"Good afternoon," she says. The boy turns his face away from her, and the father seems like he can explode within a few seconds.

"How dare you, speaking to us, filthy Mudblood!" he exclaims in rage. Skyler raises one eyebrow at him. Outside, a little thunder sounds.

"I'm sorry, but why do you insult me in such way? My parents have magic in their veins, and so do I! My grandmother and uncle are both very powerful sorcerers, more powerful than you or your family!" Skyler says matter-of-factly to the man, getting a gasp of surprise in return.

"Here you go, dear. Twenty Galleons please," the woman from the store says. Skyler looks at the ten Galleons in her hand.

"Ohh, I think I need to wait for my... mentor, to return." Skyler says, clearly on her guard. The thunder outside is still going on. The woman nods, and lays the robes away for a second, starting to help the other clients.

Skyler closes her eyes while she tries to relax. She tries to regain control over her emotions, ever so slowly, by closing her eyes and count to ten. The thunder stops and now, there's only a little rain. Just the normal weather in London.

Skyler leans against the desk, hearing the store bell rang again. She turns around, to see Loki. She sighs in relief.

"Finally, it took ages. The robes are a bit more expensive than you suspected," Skyler tells him. Loki's eyes have a worried look.

"Skyler," he says in a strict way, "why was there lighting just a few seconds ago?"

Skyler shrugs. "I got angry with that man over there, he called me a Mudblood."

Loki's eyes narrow by the sight of the man. "Lucius Malfoy," he speaks clearly.

When the man, Lucius, hears his name, he turns around, only to get his pale face to turn a deeper shade of white. "Loki..." the man mumbles.

Loki pays the lady of the store and takes Skyler's hand. "We're going." Loki walks to the door.

"Who's she?" Lucius needs to asks. Loki turns around, with a cold, uncaring look in his eyes.

"She's my apprentice, and if I ever hear from her, that you call her Mudblood, I think we're going to find out how dirty yours is." With that, Skyler and Loki leave the shop. When they go outside, a boy with dark hair, and round glasses goes in, all alone... 

edited: 13/04/2019

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