16- A Broken Bone and No Healing Spell

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"Ouch!" Skyler bumped into a Gryffindor girl. Outside, rain starts to stream from the sky. Thunder strikes a few times, just above the castle, as Skyler falls on the ground, trying to catch herself. But it all goes wrong, instead of preventing herself from pain, Skyler feels her right wrist break. The pain is awful, and Skyler starts to cry. All of her notes and other stuff are spread on the ground. The Gryffindor girl seems to be fine, and stands already. "O my! I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? No wait, of course you are, or you wouldn't be crying." She kneels in front of Skyler, trying to comfort her. "Come, I'll take you to the infirmary. Your wrist is broken, I can see that. My name's Hermione Granger. You're Skyler, right?" In respond, Skyler nods, still sobbing. Hermione collects all the notes and books Skyler brought to the Great Hall, and takes her with her to the infirmary. "Norse Mythology?" Hermione starts. "How can you compare these gods... they're myths. They don't exist." On that, Skyler laughs hollow. "Oh, they're real. I've met most of them. And how Muggles tell about them, it's quite amusing, though." Hermione nods, and in silence, they walk to the infirmary. While they're walking, Skyler feels the pain in her wrist leave her body. She can move her fingers again. O damn. Sometimes I attend to forget that I'm a demigod! She thinks, entering the infirmary. "Before you come in, I need your houses, and your names." The nurse, Madame Pomfrey, says. "Hermione Granger, Gryffindor." Hermione says. "S-Skyler F-Foster, S-Slytherin." Skyler cries out, still acting like she's in pain. Although, the rain has stopped, Skyler is frustrated, and the thunder continues. Madame Pomfrey inspects her wrist, gasping for breath after it. "It's... it's not broken..." She whispers. Hermione's eyes widen in shock. "What do you mean? Not broken? I wouldn't have taken her here if she wasn't hurt!" Both of them look at Skyler, who has a guilty smile on her face. A long silence falls, one which is interrupted by professor McGonagall and professor Snape entering the room. "Ms Granger! Ms Foster!" Professor McGonagall exclaims. "Is everything alright? Madame Pomfrey told me one of you was injured." Skyler gets herself up from the chair, where Madame Pomfrey pulled her in. "That was me, professor. I bumped into Hermione, and broke my wrist. But it was already healed before we reached the infirmary. I apologise if my actions made you worried." She says with a small voice, but not a scared, nor a shy one. McGonagall sighs, but Snape raises one eyebrow. "And how is it possible for a Muggleborn first year to know such a healing spell, Ms Foster?" He asks her, suspiciously. "I'm not a Muggleborn." She mumbles. "Oh, please, Ms Foster, introduce yourself formally and don't give this trouble." McGonagall says, irritated. Skyler looks up, a flicker of mischief and proudness in her eyes. "Well then," she makes a small curtsey, " I'm Princess Skyler Johanna Thordottír- Foster of the Nine Realms, Rightful Queen of Asgard, Heir to the Throne and Mjölnir, Demigod and Sorceress of the Weather." When she's finished, Hermione's mouth is almost on the ground from amazement and Snape looks like someone just slapped him in the face. "Y-you're..." He stammers. Skyler nods. "Niece of Loki? Granddaughter of Odin? Daughter of the God of Thunder? Yep. I am that girl." "And of course, no one, except the ones in this room will know about her connections with Loki or Thor..." McGonagall starts. Hermione swallows hearable, and Skyler looks at her feet, muttering something that sounds like. "That already happened, professor." McGonagall is furious, Snape just looks very amused. "IT WHAT?" The old witch yells through the infirmary, receiving an angry glare from Madame Pomfrey. "Well... Draco Malfoy saw me in Diagon Alley, and Lucius and Loki had a talk. Loki told him that I was his apprentice. Yesterday evening, I told Draco that I'm an orphan, adopted by Thor, Loki and Frigga... I think I can convince him to believe me. I got my uncle's Silver Tongue, you see?" Hermione looks at Skyler, almost freaking out. She just chats her way out of any trouble. McGonagall sighs, and so does Snape. "Fine," Snape says, "just make sure that you keep that snake of yours away from me..." "YOU-HAVE-A-SNAKE?!" McGonagall is ready to explode. "Goodbye, Professor." Skyler says, and with making a small curtsey, she gets out of the infirmary as fast as possible.


756 words. - I'll be honest. I'm proud. I finished this story in my notebook already. Well, the first year. And I must say, I cried at some pieces. Small spoiler: in Part III of this book, the Avengers will come! Love you guys, and thanks for reading. If you liked it, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE, PLEASE! -XXX

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