8- The Arrogant and The Drama Queen

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"Ah, come on! Everyone can do that!" Draco shouts, when Skyler is away from Buckbeak. "You're not dangerous at all, are you? You great, ugly brute...-" Draco doesn't get the time to finish, for Buckbeak attacks him. He only scratches Draco's arm, but the drama queen is acting like he's dying.

"Hagrid!" Skyler tells him. "He has to go to the hospital!" The big man nods, while he tries to distract Buckbeak. "Sky, yeh better take 'em. I need to finish this class." Skyler nods and levitates Draco into the air. "You're going to pay for this. Wait until my father hears about this. You're going to pay for this, you and that bloody chicken!" Draco squirms while he's floating through the air.

Of course, Draco makes a scene at the infirmary, getting Madame Pomfrey to dismiss him from using his wand and following intensive subjects. "Thank you, for taking me here." Draco tells Skyler, when she sits beside his bed. He fainted. Of course he fainted while she brought him here. He acted hysterical. "No need to thank me," Skyler answers dryly, "I was just doing what a teacher asked of me. Well, I'll leave you be..." Skyler wants to walk away, but Draco takes her hand. Skyler's submerge blue eyes lock with his grey ones. The grey eyes betray what he's going to say next. "I know." Draco whispers. Skyler releases herself from his grasp, raises an eyebrow. "Know what?" She asks coldly. Her entire aura has changed. She embraces herself with coldness and makes herself ready to lie. In case of. "You're not just half an Asgardian, aren't you?" Draco asks, grinning. Skyler just gulps, her eyes widen a slight bit. "No," Draco continues, "in fact, I think I figured out exactly who you are." "Well, do you?" Skyler reacts sarcastically. She really needs to watch her tone and look right now. Only the slightest hesitation could be lethal. "I think you're Loki's daughter." Draco says matter-of-factly. Skyler freezes for a time. "D-daughter of Loki? Draco, if I was Loki's daughter, I wouldn't be here. I'd probably have been somewhere in a dark place, fading slowly." She answers darkly. Her eyes lose their mischievous spark for a while, filling with tears. "Fading? Why?" Draco asks confused. Skyler sighs. "Loki's dead, Draco." She explains what happened to Draco, not exactly knowing why. He'd been nothing but rude to her for the past few months. "Are we okay again?" She suddenly asks. Draco hesitates for a minute, but eventually nods. "Yeah, I think so. Are you going to tell me who your father is?" He adds, curiously. Skyler chuckles lightly. "You'll need to figure that out yourself. Anyway, I'm going. Pansy'll be here soon and I wouldn't like to have a conversation with Pigface Parkinson." "Hey! That's my girlfriend you're talking about!" Draco grows a little angry, but Skyler just smirks. She enjoys it. Very much. She only smirks wider of it.


So, they're good again. Nice. Other question: As you all know, Skyler is Thor's daughter. Rumours say that Thor was a kind of playboy on Asgard. Who would be the next flame of Skyler? Blaise Zanbini, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, or a Ravenclaw boy or something? I'm planning to make her a true daughter of her father. That'll be fun. I'd like to hear from you.

lots of love - x

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