10- The Boggart and A Wink

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Defence Against the Dark Arts. One of the subjects Skyler likes the most. Sure, the teachers she had the firsts two years on Hogwarts, well, they sucked. But it had always interested Skyler, for she disgusted the Dark Arts. When she walks into the classroom, there are no tables, no benches. There's only a closet and a desk. Behind the desk, a middle-age man, with dirty blond hair and a small moustache. He wears an old, worn out robe. Professor Lupin. Skyler recognises him from the train. He looks quite comfortable but nervous still. There's an old turntable in the corner of the classroom.

"Welcome, everyone. I'm Professor Remus J. Lupin. Professor Lupin to you. I'm going to teach you the ways to defend yourself against the Dark Arts. From what I've heard, you didn't have the best teacher, last year, so today, we're going to start with something easy." Lupin starts, pointing his wand to the closet. 

"Inside here, there's a creature. It'd be dangerous, but only if you think of something dangerous." His explanation is mysterious, but it keeps the class a little occupied. Skyler already knows whats in the closet: a Boggart. They take the form of your worst fears. 

"Well, does anyone have an idea what could be in this closet?" Lupin finally asks. Before anyone else can do it, Skyler's hand flies up in the air. 

"A Boggart, sir." She answers. The professor nods satisfied. "Indeed, and can anyone else mention how it looks like?" 

"No one knows, sir." Hermione says, startling Ron. "Correct. And why doesn't anyone know, Ms Granger?" "It takes the form of its opponents greatest fear. That, what makes it so-" Hermione answers immediately. "Terrifying," Lupin completes her sentence," correct again Ms. Granger." He steps in front of the class. 

"Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, without wands, of course." He puts his own wand away, and holds up both of his hands, like he's directing a concert. "After me. Ridikulus."

"Ridikulus." The class echoes. 

"This class is ridiculous." Draco comments on the background. His loyal bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle snicker on that comment. Skyler just rolls her eyes and sighs. She shots Draco a deathly glare, trying to tell him to shut up. He just winks at her. He winks at her. Who in the name of Odin does he thinks he is?

"Well done, Neville! Now, everyone else, make a line!" Lupin tells the class, and Skyler snaps up from her thoughts. In front of her, professor Snape stands, but clothed in woman attire. It's truly hilarious. Lupin puts on his turn table, and old music comes out. Skyler gets in line between Ron and Parvati Patil, getting a little more excited. After a little while of waiting, it's Rons turn. A huge spider, an Acromantula, appears. 

"Ridikulus!" Ron shouts, his voice high and tensed. Let's say that the charm worked. The spider is trying to keep itself standing, but that's hard, for all his eight legs have roller skates at the ends. 

"Well done Ron, that's indeed hilarious!" Lupin laughs, before saying: "Next!" It's Skyler's turn. She steps forward, facing her worst fear....


To be continued... I truly hate cliffhangers. What do you think that Skyler's greatest fear is? I have a little idea. *Evil laugh* *Mischievous smile* Anyways, I'm going to update soon. -x

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