7- The Hippogriff and the so-called Parselmouth

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"Did she really say: 'My dear... you have... the Grim!' Seriously? That's far too overdramatic. Luckily, I don't have Divination." Skyler says, when she walks to Care for Magical Creatures, with Harry, Ron and Hermione. "I know, right? I like Old Runes much more. It's way more... logical." Hermione states. Skyler agrees with her, while Ron rolls his eyes. "Oh, please. You two are so... enological. Aren't we supposed to hate every subject that asks us to use our brains?" He asks sarcastically. Skyler chuckles, whilst Hermione sets up her smart ass face. "Well, Ronald, if you'd once pay attention during lessons, you wouldn't have to use your poor little brain." She spouts her lips in satisfaction. "Anyway, I really hope Hagrid has something nice for us. The book was quite interesting to read." The Gryffindors look at her. "How can you've read the book? It tried to eat my notes!" Hermione exclaims. Skyler just shrugs. "Mine too, at first. But after that, I found out that you need to pet it. Just strike down it's back. Than, it'll open." She walks past the stunned Gryffindors, on her way to Hagrid's cottage.

"So, who'd like to try?" Hagrid asks the class. In front of them, there's a beautiful creature. A Hippogriff. Hagrid looks amused. "Harry! Skyler! How good of you!" Skyler and Harry look behind them, seeing that the entire class took a step back. Now, Harry does too. Skyler scoffs. "Pfft. Cowards." She huffs. Skyler turns back to the Hippogriff, called Buckbeak. 'Well, let's do this, then.' She thinks. She concentrates. "Hey, handsome." She tells the creature, in its own language. "You can speak to me?" It looks at her, curious. He takes a step forward. "Yes, sir. I can speak to any creature. I once spoke to a Three-Headed dog." She jokes, taking a step closer to him. The creature does the same. "Is it true that you need to bow before I can come closer?" Skyler asks, a little afraid. Buckbeak lets out a birdish chuckle. "No, I just think that's amusing. You can come closer if you want." Skyler does as he says. "Skyler!" Hagrid exclaims concerned. "Don't forget to bow!" Skyler chuckles and shakes her head. "See? That's what I mean. It's funny to see Hagrid bow, though." Buckbeak says. The creature pulls its head in her hand, purring a little. This causes Skyler to grin. The entire class applauds. "Wow! I've never seen anyone do that." Hagrid says stunned. "Anyway, I think you can ride him, now." He adds, before lifting a wide-eyed Skyler up to Buckbeaks back. "Don't pull on his feathers, he doesn't like that." Hagrid warns, before sending them into the air.


Yeah! Care of Magical Creatures. -x

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