20- Weasel Fun and Angry Slytherins

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"Fred, this is madness! You're going to get us expelled..." Skyler hisses to her friend. It has been three weeks since they met each other, and Skyler did already experienced twenty hours of detention, and her parents were warned. A week ago, Skyler got a Howler, from her dad... it was a nightmare, but luckily, Loki added a part too. "I'm proud of you, but please, behave a little." Were his exact words. But now, Fred and George really got too far. They were planning to put a firework bomb in Filch's office. "How do you even know I'm Fred?" Fred asks suspiciously. Skyler grins. "You have six freckles on your left cheek, George has seven. But back to the joke, Filch will know it's us! I can't bare another Howler from Thor. He'll send a curse with it this time." Skyler shivers at the thought. George lays a hand on her shoulder. "Easy, Sky, we'll take full responsibility. They won't even know you were here, okay?" He says, smiling encouraging. In those three weeks, the Weasley Twins turned in some kind of brothers to her. They are brave, kind and the definition of trouble. Skyler shrugs. "Okay, but know this: if you continue like this, Slytherin will win the House Cup, this year." She adds with a cocky grin. Fred and George narrow their eyes on exactly the same moment, and Skyler chuckles. "Well, come on, let's put this firework bomb into Filch's office. I'll appearate into the office, place bomb, and get back here in two seconds." Skyler explains fast, receiving a proud grin from the twins. "How lucky we are to have you." Fred whispers. "Okay, well give me the bomb, and the wires." Skyler demands, and the twins do as they were told. In a second, Skyler is in Filch's office, which is completely empty. She places the bomb in one of the drawers. She confirms a wire to the upper side of the door, so, when it opens, the bomb will go off. She hears someone approaching the door, and disapearates in 0,1 second. "And? How did it-" George wants to ask, before they hear someone scream above a lot of noise. "Hey, guys. I really liked the time with you, but I'm going to my dorm, right now." Skyler says, before disapearating to the Slytherin girls dorms.

 When she's in on her bed, she gets a book. When she'd read for a long time, the dormitory door opens. "She's here, professor!" Pansy Parkinson yells from the doorstep. Skyler looks up from her book, making her eyes confused. Professor Snape stands in the doorstep of the dormitory. "Professor, why do I have the honour?" Skyler asks innocently. Professor Snape narrows his eyes. "Have you been in here for the whole afternoon?" He asks suspiciously. "Yes, professor. I've read the whole afternoon. May I ask you the reason for your concern?" Skyler replies innocently. "No, you may not. Stay in here until dinner." Snape turns around, and leaves Skyler with Pansy. The long, dark-haired girl gives her a disgusted look, before walking in. "I think it's time we have a little chat, don't we?" Her tone is devilish. Skyler's eyes widen, knowing what's coming next. Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy's own bodyguard, big, full of pests, and not very confident of herself, comes in. "You need to choose, Skyler. Do you really want to be a blood traitor? Talking to those filthy Mudbloods of Gryffindor...-" "STOP! Don't you dare finish that sentence, Son of Parkin. They're kind people, and you're blind. Muggle-borns are no way underneath us, as for you, how dare you to compare your-" Skyler never got to finish that sentence. Pansy raises her wand, and causes a nasty spell. A flash of pain goes through Skyler's entire body, causing her to look down to her stomach. The only thing Skyler sees, is crimson liquid, growing... Without Skyler noticing, Pansy and Millicent leave the room. While her gaze turns blurry, Skyler manages to leave the dormitory, and cause one spell, a firework spell. She sees a familiar, silver blond, and a familiar dark figure coming her way, before passing out.


Cliffhanger! I feel so cruel right now. And I like it! But, yeah, this really is a cliffhanger, for I've a test week coming up! I need to study, and focus on biology, physics and math. I swear, I hate those last subjects. - What's your favourite subject in school, btw? And, please, don't answer P.E. Mine are history and English class. I really hate Geography and Math. Anyways, I loved writing this, and I know it is a bit of cruel for a first year book, I thought this would be a good reason to make a long time skip, AND giving a small view to the cruelty of the Slytherin House. Love you guys, thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon! -XXX

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