5- Diagon Alley

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"Do yeh think you can safe yourself for eh moment, Skyler?" Hagrid asks her as they walk in Diagon Alley. Skyler nods in respond. "Yes. Sure I can. Good luck with whatever you're going to do, Hagrid." She says with a smile, before walking off, getting her robes. When she waits for the lady of the shop to return with her robes, the story bell rans. Hoping that, just like the first time, Loki walks in, she turns around. Looking at no one other than... "Skyler? Well, seems like we've found ourselves a meeting place." Draco Malfoy says with a smooth grin. Behind him, Draco's father pales a little. Skyler smiles to her friend, just a little. The memories of last year, when she'd been so happy to be around here, make Skyler feel sad. And that's exactly how the weather turns out to be today, sad. "Hi, Draco..." She mutters, not really into having a conversation. Draco takes a step towards her, still grinning. "Well, euhm. I like your hair. It suits you." He says awkwardly. "Thanks." She mutters again. Draco starts to get worried a little. This girl used to be cheery and happy. "Skyler? A-are you okay? You're so... down." When Skyler opens her mouth, the store lady returns with her robes. Skyler quickly pays the lady, and looks at Draco. "I'm sorry. Have a good day. You too, Mr. Malfoy." She says before walking out. She walks to the store of pets, hoping that she'll be able to buy an animal, one that'll keep her company. An owl won't be smart, for she has no one to write to. She walks to the cats, hoping to find a nice one. Nothing. Not one cat gives her the comfortable feeling. Defeated, Skyler walks to the bookstore, only to be much more disgusted. Gilderoy Lockhart is signing his works. Goldie the Jerk. "Oh, Norns." She groans when she sees him shining. "Did we hear that well? We only know one girl, cursing with the so-called Norns." A familiar voice says from behind her. Skyler looks around, the sad expression still on her face. "Oh, hey Fred, hey George." She mutters, before packing all the books she needs, and walking to the cash desk to pay. Fred and George share a confused look. "What happened to our little trickster?" Fred hisses towards his brother. "Well," Skyler says loudly, for she heard him, "this little trickster stopped being little. Now if you'd let me through. I've stuff to take care of." She walks away, before hearing one name. The name of someone who could possibly help her. "... Harry Potter." Goldie the Jerk says astonished. Skyler turns around, still biting back her tears, to see the Boy Who Lived. He needs to go on a picture with Lockhart, and gets his entire collection, free of charges. Skyler feels pity for the boy, but pity is replaced with anger, when Draco walks in again. Harry, who clearly stays at the house of the Weasleys is now surrounded by redheads. "Famous Harry Potter," Skyler hears Draco scoff, "he can't even walk into a bookstore without making the frond page." A red haired girl, whom Skyler had never seen before, steps between them. "Leave him alone." She growls. Draco raises his eyebrows and looks from the girl to Harry. "Oh look! Potter got himself a little girlfriend." Skyler feels the anger rising, but tries to calm herself. "No, Draco. She's serious, just leave them alone, will you?" Skyler asks politely, looking from one friend to the other. All of the Weasleys turn to her, and smile, one she doesn't return. Draco looks at her, and turns to the stairs, only making way for a far less friendly man. Lucius Malfoy wants to have a little chat.


Well? -XXX

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