13- The Patronus Charm

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"I figure that you'll probably don't succeed in it tonight, but we can already practice the spell." Lupin starts, having his wand ready. "The hardest thing with creating a Patronus is the fact that it needs to resemble happiness. You need to think about your happiest memory you can think of, and then saying the spell: Expecto Patronum." Skyler concentrates, trying to find a happy memory.

"I've got one, professor." She whispers, not sure that it'll be enough.

"Then close your eyes, take out your wand, and say: 'Expecto Patronum'." Lupin instructs. Skyler does as he says. She thinks of the most happiest moments in her childhood, before saying:

"Expecto Patronum."

A white light comes out of her wand. It doesn't have a form or anything, but it's strong. The light forms some kind of shield around her. Skyler opens her eyes, seeing what she's doing. A little smile goes over her face. 'Loki and dad still support me...' she thinks, happily.

"Well done! That was a pretty strong, happy memory, especially for the first time. May I ask you were it was about?" Lupin's voice sounds surprised, a kind of respect growing for the girl in front of him.

"Well, I thought of my 7th birthday, when my father and uncle started a cake fight..." She answers, looking at her feet. To her surprise, Lupin chuckles.

"Yes, food fights are one of the best memories you can think of. I remember one with my friends at Hogwarts as well. Hilarious." He smiles, dreaming away in the memory, before snapping back to reality. "Now, considering that we have work to do, let's get started."


Skyler is blocking on her Potion's homework. Snape gave them to much. Studying three chapters and making notes of it. Before tomorrow. 'That man really likes torturing students...' She thinks. Of course, professor Snape is nice, he wasn't as bad as people told her, but he is truly cruel when it comes to homework. She groans when she reaches the second chapter. This is way too much.

"Is your Majesty having a hard time on Potions?" Draco mocks from behind her. Skyler shots him a glare.

"Yes, I am having a hard time on Potions, for I also have detention, I have lots of time." She answers sarcastically.

"Let me help you." He suggests when he takes place next to her. She gladly approves, for Draco always gets the highest grades on Potions, except for Hermione, of course. 

"Thanks." She mutters, when they're done with correcting and making her homework. Draco indeed is really good at Potions. He told her a few tips and tricks. Very helpful, but why? He hadn't insulted her after she told him the truth. "Why this sudden kindness and help?" She asks suspiciously. Draco shrugs.

"Well, I was afraid that you were a Muggleborn, which would mean that I shouldn't be talking to you...-"

"So all you care about is my title? Really? Why, thank you for making that clear, Malfoy." Skyler gathers her stuff and leaves Draco alone in the Common Room.


The next morning, Skyler walks to breakfast. She's late, she slept in. It's Saturday, so she can do that, but for her doing, she's late. Skyler takes place at the Slytherin table and scoops up her breakfast. After filling her appetite, she takes out her book and starts reading.

"Skyler..." Hermione starts, sounding quite scared.

"What's up, Mione?" Skyler looks up, curiously.

"D-did you read the paper, this morning?" Hermione asks hesitatingly.

"No, I didn't, should I've done that?" Hermione nods, her eyes growing wider. She hands Skyler the paper and Skyler looks at the front-page. When she sees what made Hermione so scared, the ceiling starts to reveal lightning and thunder strikes around the castle. Blaise and Draco, who are sitting close to Skyler, look at her, worried. Skyler's eye is fixed on the big photo at the front-page. Her hands start to give small amounts of lightning, which is already radiating over her entire body.

"Son of a bitch." She says, her voice shivering from anger and disbelief.


"Did you ever felt betrayed? 'Cause that's exactly how I feel..."




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