12- Under the Green Water

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The table of Slytherin cheers and Skyler walks to it.

 "Welcome to Slytherin, Skyler," a long, pretty girl says. "I'm Gemma Farley, the Prefect of Slytherin." Gemma smiles to Skyler, who smiles back. 

"It's nice to meet you," she answers, looking the girl in the eyes, and takes place next to her. 

"Well, you're not shy at all," Gemma says with an amused voice. 

"I'm not shy against elder people. Children of my own age are much more difficult. I've never met other people of my age since my 7th." 

The Prefect raises an eyebrow. "Why would that be?" she asks. 

Skyler grins mysteriously, before responding even more strange. "You would be glad to know that, wouldn't you?"

 Gemma grins back. "Well, you're a smart one, aren't you? I think we just got ourself a Silver Tongue."

 A familiar voice interrupts the conversation. "Well, I think she learned it from the Silver Tongue." Draco says. "Well, well, well, isn't that my favourite little cousin, Draco Malfoy? A Slytherin too I see?" 

Skyler turns to Gemma. "Cousin? That stupid mommy's boy is your cousin?" She pronounces the words very clearly. Gemma smirks at Skyler. 

"Already hating him, eh? What did he do? Did he screw up  your hair?" Skyler looks at her hair, which is in a loosened knot, before shaking her head. 

"No. He told everyone a lie about my... adoptive father..." Saying those last words, Skyler glances at Draco, whose jaw drops, before he goes to sit next to her. 

"Loki is your adoptive father?" He exclaims. Skyler's conscience has its opinion about this. 

 Shit. She needs to work the lie out better. Living in a lie can only become harder when the lie always comes back to you. "Not now, Draco. And no matter what you keep in your mind, I'm not you're friend. So, leave, me, alone." 

"Harry Potter!" McGonagall yells with a loud, clear voice from the platform. The whole Hall falls into whispers. 

"Did she say Potter?" 

"The Harry Potter?" 

Skyler watches as Harry walks to the stool, sits down, and lets the hat take its decision. Sure, Skyler couldn't hope that he'd come in this house. She was placed in the same house as Voldemort. Most of his Death Eaters came from this house. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat screams. 

A huge cheering comes from the Gryffindor table. 

Two identical redheads start yelling: "WE HAVE POTTER! WE HAVE POTTER!" 

Skyler can't help it, they're kind of hilarious, she chuckles. 

"Why are you chuckling? Not because of that Blood traitors, are you?" Draco growls to her, making Skyler turn her face to him in misunderstanding. 

"Blood traitors? What are that?" 

Draco's eyes grow wider than ever. "Didn't they... are you?"

 "Am I what?" Skyler pushes, clearly curious to what kind of offending speech Draco was gonna give this time. 

"A Muggleborn?" Draco lowers his voice. Skyler looks away from him, at the empty plate in front of her, softly answering. 

"I think I am. I never knew my parents, so I guess that either I am a very lucky Muggleborn, or one of my parents was of magical origin." The sound of her voice is sad, and her absent look makes the lie even better. 

"Well," an old man, whom Skyler recognises as Albus Dumbledore, stands on the platform now, "eat what you like..." he says, before clapping his hands, letting every sort of food appear on the table. Skyler takes a little bit of meat, for Kelly needs to eat as well. 

Some potatoes and carrots, and then, she's satisfied. 

"Don't you like a dessert?" Gemma asks Skyler, who shakes her head in response. "How could you eat that less? You'll get sick!" 

Again, Skyler shakes her head. "I don't get sick. Ever." 

After two hours, Professor Dumbledore has finally filled his appetite. "Dear students, before we get to bed, I must announce a few things.

 "First I must tell the first years, that the forest is forbidden to enter. Second, the third floor isn't available for any kind of visits. No matter what, don't enter it. And at last, Mr Filch our caretaker asked me to tell you, to clean up your own mess. That's it for tonight. Prefects, leave with the first years, the others will follow soon. Have a good night. Lessons will start in two days, use tomorrow wisely. Now, off you go." the headmaster says, dismissing the first years and the Prefects. Skyler immediately follows Gemma, to the Slytherin Common Room.

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