23- The Battle Begins

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"Dad, we're in the Tower. Deploy if you need back-up." Cassidy tells Tony through the earpiece. Skyler and her are on the bottom floor of Stark Tower. 

'Copy that. I've eyes on Loki. There's a force field around the cube. I need Natasha to figure that out.' Tony responds firmly. He has no time to haste, nor has he time to talk with his daughter. He's worried and actually doesn't want her and Skyler around in these situation.

'Be safe.' He adds on the last moment.

"Same counts for you, Tony." Skyler says to him, grinning widely. Today, she's getting her revenge, an extra is that she'll get her uncle back as well. She needs him, more than anything. The girl looks to Cassidy, whom is looking like she's going to vomit every second. 

"You remember the deal, right?" 

"Of course I do," the young Stark tells her, "I need to have some answers. Besides, Thor doesn't want him killed, either." Skyler rolls her eyes at her friend.

"Yes, but my father can't control his own rage. He'll kill him, if Loki manages to annoy him enough." Cassidy giggles.

"You're right there, I think." Both girls shake their heads, the smirk not leaving their faces.

"Ready, Siren?" Skyler teases the genius. Cassidy builds herself in her suit.

"When you are, Witch." She says with a grin. Then... they step into the elevator.


Tony Stark looks the God. 'He seems way too smugly.' The genius thinks.

"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that, what have I to fear?" Loki continues their talk, after 33 seconds of silence. Tony just shrugs.

"The Avengers." He simply says. Loki turns to him, raising his eyebrow, confusion spread across his face. 

"Oh, right. That's what we call ourselves. It's a 'Earth Mightiest Heroes' kinda thing." He explains quickly, keeping on talking. Now understanding, Loki smirks.

"Yes, I've met them."

"Yes, but, let's do a head count there," Tony starts, knowing that the back-up will be waiting in a few seconds, "Your brother, the God," Loki grimaces at the mentioning of Thor, "a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to legend, a man with breathtaking anger management issues, a couple of assassins and you, big fella, have managed to piss off every single one of them." Loki can't help but smirk even wider.

"That was the plan." He says, causing Tony to shake his head.

"Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they come for you." From behind his bar, Tony puts on two bracelets, before starting to walk towards Loki.

"I have an army." The God tells him.

"We have a Hulk." Tony responds, rather calmly. Loki chuckles lightly.

"I thought the beast wondered off."

"No, you're missing the point! There's no throne, there's no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the world, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it." Tony finishes, quite proud of his speech. Loki isn't impressed, and continues to approach him, raising his sceptre.

"How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?" He growls dangerously, before placing the point of his sceptre against Tony's chest. There's a little 'PING' but nothing happens. Confused, Loki tries again.

"This usually works." He mutters. Tony just shrugs.

"Well, preformance issues. You know? Not uncommon, you know, one out of five-" Before Tony can finish his sentence, Loki grasps him by his throat.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, any time now."

"You will all fall before me." He hisses angrily. 

 "Deploy, DEPLOY!" Tony yells, hoping that everything will come in time.

"Expelliarmus!" Skyler yells clearly, making Loki get pushed away from Tony. She lowers her wand, looking at Cassidy. Skyler nods to her, and the daughter runs to her father.

"Dad! Are you alright?" Cassidy exclaims, as she takes her fathers face in her hands. Just when her father wants to answer, a hand closes around her neck. Loki takes her and Tony by their throats, throwing them out of the window. 

"DEPLOY!" Tony screams before falling. Then, Loki wants to turn to the girl in front of him. But hearing her friend scream in fear, Skyler transforms into a Kori Bustard, the largest flying bird on earth. She dives after Cassidy, knowing that Tony will be saved by one of his suits. Her claws grab Cassidy by her collar, as she manages to slow her down. When they're safely on the ground again, Skyler transforms back into herself, only now, having not only her wand, but also her bow and arrow and sword. Cassidy's mouth opens, just as a loud bombarding comes from the heavens. 

The portal has opened. The Chitauri are coming.

"Loki... what have you done..." Skyler sighs.


795 words. Good Lord. I've done the best I can. Don't worry, there will be a better reunion of the family in the next chapter. Anyways, I need help.

As you all know, after this year at Hogwarts, this part of the series comes to an end. So, there'll be a new book. With the next three years in it. Now, my question: Would you guys like to help me with creating a title? Because I have really no clue on what I could do about that. 

Thank you very much for reading, and I see you soon - don't forget to vote - x

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