Home Alone pt. 2

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"Mmm... Joshua," Tyler moaned softly at the feeling of his husband's lips on his neck.

"Morning, beautiful," Josh mumbled, sucking a hickey into the crook of Tyler's neck. He slowly snaked his hand across Tyler's hips and to his boxers, palming him softly.

Tyler let out another moan, a bit louder this time, before rolling over and straddling his husband, leaning down and kissing his lips deeply.

"Those lips are just made for me, aren't they, baby?" Josh said as he lightly bit down on Tyler's bottom lip.

He knew talking during foreplay always made Tyler want even more.

"Mhm," Tyler half hummed, half moaned before connecting their lips again.

Josh then rolled over so he was on top, lazily grinding against Tyler, knowing it wouldn't be long until his husband was taking off his boxers.

And, of course, Josh was right. Tyler was soon lifting his hips to take off his own boxers while Josh did the same.

Josh wrapped his hand around Tyler's hard member, pumping slowly as he whispered things into his ear.

"You are better than any fantasy I could ever come up with," he said with a deep, raspy voice.

"J-Joshie..." Tyler moaned. "W-wanna suck you off."

Josh grinned widely. His husband typically wasn't one for blow jobs whether he was giving or receiving one. He rolled over so Tyler was on top, the slightly smaller boy crawling between his legs.

He started by pressing soft kisses to the tip, then all at once took Josh into his mouth.

"Oh, fuck, Tyler," Josh moaned, gripping the sheets.

How was his husband so amazing at this?

Tyler kept going until Josh was on the edge of finishing, but then pulled off and went back up to Josh's lips.

"Make love to me, Joshua."

Josh nodded and rolled over one last time so he was on top, gently pushing into Tyler as he held both of his hands tightly.

He began gently thrusting in and out, obsessing over Tyler's soft 'oh's' and other sounds of pleasure.

"I love you," he told his husband.

"I love you mo-"

"BABA!!!" Ruby yelled with a wide smile as she entered Tyler and Josh's room. "DOOOOONUT!" She yelled, carrying a big box of donuts.

Tyler and Josh gasped and quickly hid under the sheets.

"W-wh-how did you get here?!" Tyler exclaimed. "Y-you're supposed to be w-with Jenna!"

Just then Jenna walked in. "Hey, gu- OH MY GOD RUBY YOU GOTTA GO," she said as she saw Tyler and Josh were obviously having sex thirty seconds ago. She picked her up and carried him outside, closing the door behind her.

Tyler groaned and hit his forehead against Josh's shoulder. "The one time, and I mean literally the one time, we're not whispering she walks in. With one of our friends."

Josh chuckled and pulled his naked husband into his arms. "It's fine, baby. Don't worry about it. She'll probably forget about it by tonight."

But the opposite happened.

That night, they took Ruby out for ice cream, and out of the blue, she asked "why baba nakey?"

Tyler choked on his ice cream, Josh patting his back. "U-um... w-well. Daddies w-were just having fun daddy-daddy time."

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