Jim & Delilah

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Tyler giggled as he woke up to his three year old waddling her way into his room all dressed up in one of Josh's t-shirts, a pink feathery boa, cowgirl boots, and one of Josh's snapbacks.

"Woooooooow, Ruby," he giggled, picking her up when she came over to him and placing her on his belly. "You look pretty stinkin' snazzy."

Ruby grinned. "I'm fancy, daddy."

"I knooow!" Tyler giggled. "You're so fancy."

Then, Tyler's husband and Ruby's other daddy, Josh, came in with two mugs of coffee, one for Tyler and one for himself.

"Heyyy," he said as he saw Ruby. "Isn't that my shirt? And my hat?"

"It's Ruby's, now," Tyler giggled.

"I'm fancy, daddy," Ruby informed Josh.

"You're very fancy this morning, yes," Josh giggled. "How'd you get into my closet?"

"I am very resourceful."

"How do you know that big of a word?" Josh asked. "You're three."

"I am very smart."

"That's very true," Tyler smiled, kissing her cheek. "You're daddies' smart lil princess, aren't you?"

"Mhm," Ruby hummed with a wide grin and a nod.

"Do you want me to clean your glasses, RuRu?" Josh asked. "They look kinda dirty."

Ruby nodded. Josh gently took the adorable glasses off of her, cleaning them with the blanket that was on the bed since he was shirtless and couldn't use a shirt.

"I can't seeeeeeeee," Ruby hummed with a giggle.

"Yep," Josh chuckled. "That's why ya have glasses, RuRu."

He then slipped them back over her head, the girl now very happy. since the glasses were meant for small children, they slipped completely around her head and were rounded frames. She looked absolutely adorable with them on.

"I can see now," Ruby informed them.

"Well, now that you can see," Tyler giggled. "Wanna go look at puppies we can adopt?"

Ruby was their only child, and she would always be their only child.

The boys had agreed to only have one kid so they could spoil them and give them the most amazing childhood. And they got a girl so they could really spoil her.

If Ruby wasn't as sweet as she was, she wouldn't be as spoiled as she was. But she was just so nice. She always told the boys she liked their hair or their shoes, she always gave them hugs and kisses, she'd snuggle with them when they were sad or tired or stressed. Not to mention, she was the cutest thing they had ever laid eyes on.

Ruby had been obsessed with dogs ever since she got a book about one who was a princess.

She really, really, really wanted a dog, and Tyler had told her that if she did suuuuuper good at her dance recital, he and Josh would get her a dog.

At the dance recital, she had no idea what she was doing. She just stood there in her tutu, waving at Tyler and Josh excitedly while all the other girls did the dance.

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