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Josh looked up at the beautiful boy who was sitting on his lap in the bathtub. "You're so shy now," he grinned.

"B-because," Tyler giggled shyly, blushing and ducking his head.

"Because we made love?" Josh hummed, gently running water through the smaller boy's hair.

"Y-yeah," he smiled. His heart was beating 1,000 miles an hour. That had been the most amazing thing ever.

"It was really incredible, wasn't it?" Josh smiled.

"Y-yeah," Tyler giggled, hugging his neck tightly.

Josh smiled and hugged him back, kissing his shoulder.

Tyler just couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. He was so incredibly happy and in love yet so shy of his now husband seeing him naked.

"Soooooooo cute," Josh grinned as he ran his hands up and down his husband's bare back.

"S-stop," Tyler giggled, burying his face in his hands.

"Nooooooo! Don't cover your beautiful face!" Josh exclaimed, taking Tyler's hands in his own. "I wanna look at the cute boy I just married."

Tyler blushed, unable to stop smiling. He leaned forward and gently held Josh's face, kissing his lips softly.

Josh grinned and kissed him right back, his hands running up and down Tyler's thighs.

"Joshua," he giggled breathily into his husband's ear as Josh's hands continued to rub his thighs.

"Hm?" Josh hummed with a grin, knowing exactly what he was doing to Tyler. His smile widened as he felt Tyler's member perk up and press against his belly.

He slid his hand all the way up Tyler's thigh, making his way to Tyler's member and giving it an experimental tug, earning a moan from his husband.

He started to gently move his hand up and down, picking up the pace as time went on.

"J-Joshua," Tyler struggled out. "B-bed."

Josh grinned and picked his husband up, getting out of the tub with him in his arms and carrying him to the bed of their honeymoon suite. He gently lied him down, kissing at his neck and beginning so lazily grind against him.

"J-Josh, h-hurry."

"Shhh, baby," Josh said softly, running his fingers through Tyler's hair. "The longer you wait the better it's gonna feel."

Tyler could care less about how it felt. He just wanted to have the same connection he and his husband shared earlier during their first time again.

But he didn't say anything. He just kissed Josh's lips, hugging him impossibly close in the process.

A while later, Josh was pushing in and moving in and out of Tyler, both boys looking into each other's eyes with their hearts racing 1,000 miles an hour.

Tyler ran his fingers through josh's hair as he used the other hand to hold the back of his neck, both Josh's forearms on either side of Tyler's body as he continued to move.

As they got closer, Josh began sucking and biting at the base of Tyler's jaw, making Tyler whimper in pleasure.

Soon after they both began to come, moaning each other's names as they held onto each other for dear life, nothing on their minds but the other.

"Joshua," Tyler said softly after they both calmed down.

"Ty..." Josh smiled gently.

"I love you," they both said in unison, giggling as they heard the other.

They were now in the phase of being in their own little world, nothing existing but the boy next to him.

Every time they looked at each other, they smiled. They smiled and giggled and got as skin-to-skin as they possibly could.

"I love you so much," Josh grinned, kissing Tyler's ear after he whispered.

"I love you more," Tyler smiled, kissing Josh right back.

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