New Daddy

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"My sweet RuRuuu," Tyler hummed with a wide smile as he picked her up out of her crib and held the tiny baby, carrying her into his and Josh's room.

"Ty," Josh sighed. "Tonight's supposed to be just you and me."

"I know, I know," Tyler said. "But look at my cute lil baby."

"Yes, our child is very cute, but it's also Friday night and we're supposed to keep those between just you and me."

"But look at her," Tyler said, gently bouncing the sleeping baby in his arms. "Isn't she precious?"

"Yes, honey," Josh replied. "But go put her back in her crib so you and I can have some time."



"She's just so cute," Tyler said. "How do you not want to hold her all the time? Especially when she's sleeping. She's even more snuggly when she's sleeping. Look at her."

"You're definitely going to spoil her when she's older," Josh said. "Actually, you already do spoil her. And she's three months old."

"She's deserves to be spoiled," Tyler said. "She's the best baby ever. She's super nice and sweet and snuggly and literally the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on."

"All she does is eat and sleep and poop. That's literally it."

It was obvious Josh was still warming up to this whole parenting thing.

"Nooooo, she does more than that," Tyler said. "Sometimes she sings."

"She doesn't sing, she screams."

"Because she's so excited!" Tyler smiled, kissing her forehead gently. "She just gets sooooo excited so she starts squealing and screaming and smiling all cutely."

Josh just shrugged.

"She gets excited whenever she sees you, you know," Tyler said. "Whenever you come home from work she starts squealing."

"No she doesn't," Josh said. "She doesn't even like me."

"She loves you!" Tyler exclaimed, getting into bed next to him with the baby lying on his belly. "She loves her JishJish so much."

Josh shook his head, turning on his side away from Tyler and Ruby.

"Joshua," Tyler said, pulling at him so he was on his back again. He took Ruby off of his own chest and placed her on his. "Look. She's happy!"

Josh looked down at the baby who was on his chest.

He liked Ruby, but ever since she joined their family, he didn't get to do a lot of things with Tyler anymore, and that was hard for him.

"Give her some snuggles, Joshie," Tyler said.

Josh didn't really know how to handle a three month old. He'd only held Ruby twice. Tyler had tried to get him to hold her more than that, but he didn't know how to and he didn't really want to learn.

"Josh," Tyler said. "I know that you aren't really all that big on this whole parenting thing," he said. "But she's our kid now. She's all ours. She's our responsibility and you and I are the only two people who are able to give her love and support. She already only has two, don't make her only have one."

Josh sighed, gently placing his hand on the baby's back.

"There you go," Tyler smiled. "Now gently kinda rub her back. She likes it when you do that. Especially after she eats."

Josh did as told, looking down at the baby.

Ruby started to smile in her sleep. Josh was unable to not smile a bit as well.

Tyler smiled widely, kissing Josh's cheek. "See? You're a natural."


The next day, Tyler taught Josh all he needed to know to take care of Ruby.

Josh's least favorite part was having to change her diaper.

"Do I really have to do this?" Josh asked.

Tyler nodded. "Yep."


"Because she'll start to stink if you don't," Tyler said.

"But like... she's naked."


"She's naked."

"Well she cant change her own diaper," Tyler giggled. "It's not a big deal, Joshua."

"I would much rather not do this."

"Well, you've got to," Tyler giggled. "Sorry honey."

"Can I not?"




Josh groaned, grabbing the baby wipes from Tyler and doing the job.

He returned, handing Ruby to Tyler. "That was absolutely disgusting. Easily the grossest thing I've ever done."

"Josh," Tyler sighed. "You put the diaper on backwards."

"She'll survive."

Tyler laughed, rolling his eyes as he had to give Josh a lesson on how to put a diaper on a baby correctly.

"She's so still when you do it," Josh said. "She was wiggling around while I was trying to do it."

Tyler giggled, tickling the baby's belly. "She's such a wiggle worm sometimes. Aren't you, RuRu? Aren't you a lil wiggle worm?"

The baby squealed and laughed and laughed.

"Wanna pick her up?" Tyler asked.

Josh nodded, carefully picking the baby up and carrying her to the kitchen, even holding her for a while.

Now that he was actually involved with Ruby, Josh liked her a lot more. She really was growing on him, and he was growing on her.

He even told her he loved her before putting her into her crib and kissing her goodnight, heading to his room to catch up on his missed night alone with his husband.

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