Honeymoon in the Mountains

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"Every muscle in my body hurts," Tyler mumbled as he woke up.

"Well happy first full day married to you too," Josh chuckled.

"Oh, dang it! I'd always dreamed of saying like 'G'morning Mr. Dun' or something like that but now I can't," Tyler pouted.

Josh laughed and hugged Tyler tightly. "Well, apparently your first time will do that to ya, 'cause I'm sore as well."

"We should just lay in bed and make out all day."

"What we did every day last week," Josh chuckled.

"Because we were excited to be marrieeeeed. And now we're actually married. So we can really really make out all day."

Josh grinned and rolled over so he was on top of Tyler, smiling down at him and kissing his lips.

Tyler giggled and rolled over so he was now on top, hugging Josh's neck tightly smiling happily as he kissed his cheek repetitively.

Josh smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist, Tyler giggling as he tickled his sides.

"Joshieeeee, stahhhhhp," he giggled.

"Neverrrrrrrrrr," Josh grinned, continuing to tickle his new husband.

Tyler smiled and hovered his face over Josh's, his husband looking up at him with a goofy grin.

"I love you," Josh hummed.

"I love you too," Tyler smiled, leaning downward and kissing his lips softly. He cupped Josh's cheek, deepening his kiss and making them both smile.

They eventually pulled apart, Tyler rolling off his husband but still having his whole body wrapped around him.



"I'm hungry and I love you."

"I'm hungry and I love you too," Josh chuckled. "Wanna go get breakfast?"

Tyler nodded, so they got dressed, Tyler still shy being naked since last night was just their first time.

Josh grinned as he saw his naked husband get out of bed, hugging him tightly from behind and kissing his neck. "Beautiful boy."

"Joshua," Tyler giggled shyly.

"Can't believe I got to make love to you last night," he smirked. "And that I get to make love to you for forever and ever now."

"I want pancakes," Tyler said.

"Let's go get you some pancakes then maybe go on a hike," Josh said.

"Ew, exercise."

"We're in the beautiful mountains, Ty," Josh chuckled. "We've gotta hike a little."

"Fineeeeeee," Tyler giggled. "But only if you hold my hand on the way up and kiss me at the top."

"That's the plan," Josh grinned.

So the boys went to go get breakfast at a cute little restaurant before they went on a hike.

It was quite nice, nobody else being on the trail. They got to talk and stop whenever they wanted to take pictures or Tyler got hungry, which was about every 15 minutes.

"How are you not out of goldfish yet?" Josh chuckled. "We've stopped like six times and you've eaten a bag every time."

"I always come prepared, Jishwa," he said, opening his backpack and showing him the contents of the bag. "See? Snacks, bandaids, water. All you would ever need."

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