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"What's my favorite thing that Tyler does?" Josh asked with a wide grin. "Besides just being Tyler?"

The interviewer nodded with a smile.

"Tyler is the best husband that I could have ever asked for," Josh said. "He's so sweet and thoughtful. I absolutely adore him. He always has the incredible ideas of things we can do, he cooks amazing meals pretty much every night, not to mention, he's pretty darn talented. But my most favorite thing is the mornings we share."

Tyler smiled softly, looking at his husband as they sat next to each other.

"Every morning, Tyler kisses me awake. Even if we had been fighting the night before, he kisses me. I remember our first fight. It was bad. Like, really bad. And I was honestly expecting him to break up with me the next day, so I was bracing myself for that, but instead he just kissed me and brought me coffee. I started to apologize about everything I had said the night before, and he listened because he knew I needed to say I was sorry in order to feel better. He said he forgave me and said we should go on a date, and it was one of the best dates ever. We actually got to have a real, true conversation, and now we do that on every date."

Tyler smiled, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"But, yeah. Getting to start every day with the love of your life is the most amazing thing. I love it more than anything. It immediately puts me in a good mood."

They intertwined their hands, Josh kissing the back of Tyler's with a wide grin.

"Plus, I mean, look at him. He's pretty frickin' cute."

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