Christmas Proposal

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Tyler was in the kitchen with Momma Dun, helping her bake cookies.

"Hey, sweetheart," she said with a wide smile. "I think there's one more gift under the tree with your name on it."

"Really?" Tyler asked.

Laura smiled and nodded. Tyler nodded, heading to the living room to look under the tree.

He saw a small box wrapped beautifully. He grabbed it and opened it. Inside was just a slip of paper.

Turn around, baby.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and turned around.

"Hey," his boyfriend said softly with a smile, gently taking his hands.

"H-hi," Tyler said, surprised because he knew what was happening.

"Do you know what I'm about to do?" Josh asked with a grin.

Tyler nodded, his hands shaking as Josh held them.

"Hey, hey," Josh said softly, squeezing Tyler's hand and using the other to run his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "Don't me nervous. It's just you and me."

Tyler swallowed hard and nodded.

"Do you wanna maybe go to our room?" Josh asked. "Would that make you feel better?"

Tyler nodded.

Josh smiled, taking Tyler's hand and leading him to the room of Josh's parents' house they were staying in.

Josh closed the door, turning and looking at Tyler who was still incredible nervous. "Here, baby. Sit down," he said, setting Tyler down on the bed.

He then lowered himself down onto one knee, holding both Tyler's hands and looking up at him.

"I know you're nervous, so I promise I'm going to make this quick. I love you, Tyler, okay? I love you so, so, so much. I want nothing more than to continue to get to love you and kiss you and hold you and make you feel special. And we've been doing that as boyfriends for four years now, but I've known since the day we started dating that I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life."

Josh took a box out from his pocket, opening it to reveal a gorgeous silver ring. "Tyler Robert Joseph, will you marry me?"

Tyler's mouth was just open in complete shock, but he nodded his head after realizing he still hadn't answered. "Y-Yes. Y-yes, of course, Joshua. O-oh my gosh, y-yes!"

Josh grinned widely, slipping the band onto Tyler's finger before standing up and hugging him tightly.

"I love you so much, Ty," Josh said as he held his fiancé close.

"J-Joshua," Tyler said softly, he was crying. "W-we're gonna get married..."

"I know, baby," Josh smiled, softly kissing his lips deeply. "I know."

"W-we should go tell your family," Tyler said.

Josh nodded, kissing Tyler's lips one last time before leading him out to the living room where everyone was.

"So, um... Tyler and I have some exciting news," Josh said with a smile. "We're engaged."

Tyler giggled shyly as he lifted his hand to put his ring on display.

Everyone cheered, Josh's mom and sisters hopping up and hugging Tyler tightly.

The boys hung out with Tyler's family the rest of the night, but every time they'd make eye contact, they wanting and need to be with each other alone.

"I Uh... I think Ty and I are going to head to bed."

The boys hugged everyone goodnight, heading to their room.

They immediately stripped their clothes off, crawling into bed together. Tyler got on top of Josh, wanting his fiancé to hold him.

Josh smiled, wrapping his arms around Tyler.

"Can't wait to make love to you when we get home," Josh said. "Gonna make you feel so special..."

Tyler blushed deeply. "J-Joshua..."

"Or maybe we could head home tonight," Josh said, rubbing his fiancé's side. "At least grab a hotel on the way there since we probably couldn't make it all the way back tonight."

Tyler smiled softly. "I-I'd love that..."

So the boys packed up and said they were heading home, more than excited as they found a stunning hotel that had an open room.

They headed inside, practically tearing each other's clothes off in the elevator.

They ran to their room, giggling and giggling as Josh fumbled for the room key while Tyler kissed him as deeply as he could.

They eventually got inside, jumping onto the bed as they tore their clothes off completely.

"Josh," Tyler giggled as he tried to pull away from the very, very eager boy kissing his lips deeply. "The blinds are open."

Josh turned to see the curtains were completely open, so anyone could see the two naked boys from the outside.

He quickly pulled the curtains over the blinds, so incredibly excited. He then jumped back on the bed after shutting the lights off and turning on one of the lamps so the lighting was more romantic.

They had more fun than they could ever have imagined.

Afterward, they lied in bed naked, wrapped in each other's arms.

"I love you," Josh said. "I love you so much."

"I love you more," Tyler smiled softly, kissing his jaw.

"Someday we're going to be lying in bed after having sex married for the first time," Josh grinned.

Tyler blushed shyly. "And I'm gonna be Tyler Dun."

"Merry Christmas, baby," Josh smiled. "Hopefully next year our Christmas card will say Mr. & Mr. Dun."

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