Husband's Daughter pt. 3

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Tyler smiled shyly and giggled as he woke up naked in his husband, who also happened to be naked,'s arms to see him grinning down at him.

"Hey cute butt," Josh grinned, kissing his lips.

Tyler giggled and kissed him back. "Hi, Joshua."

"Did you enjoy our first time making love?" Josh hummed as he pressed his forehead to Tyler's.

"I think it was the best experience of my life," Tyler smiled, kissing him again.

Josh grinned widely, so happy that he was able to make it as special as Tyler had always hoped it would be.

"We'll have to be much quieter when we're doing it at home," Tyler giggled.

"Yeahhhhh," Josh laughed. "But hey, we've still got another eight days to do it as much as we want at whatever volume we want. Plus, I mean, we're already naked."

Tyler giggled, rolling off of Josh so his husband could get on top of him.

They had their fun, taking some 'private photos' for themselves on Tyler's phone.

"We can never let anyone have your phone," Josh giggled after they finished. "Ever."

Sex was definitely going to be a big thing for the boys, and they couldn't be more excited.

The boys decided to go out for brunch afterward, getting all snuggly in a booth together as they ate and talked and smiled and laughed.

Goodness, they adored one another.

"You know, you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me, right?" Josh asked with a smile.

"Oh, stop," Tyler giggled and blushed shyly.

"It's true," Josh said. "And i love you so so so much."

"I love you too, Joshie," Tyler smiled, softly kissing his lips.

The boys had an amazing, incredible honeymoon, absolutely falling even more in love with each other.

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